MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > So none of them contributed to the mortg...

So none of them contributed to the mortgage of the loft?

So none of them contributed to the mortgage of the loft?

It seems Vince kind of master planned the whole thing and urges the crew to all give in to their manly needs and then hands out keys to each guy.

Yet we the audience never see Vince collect any payments for the mortgage nor explain how they should pay their share? Vince just says we split it 5 ways.

As a condo owner and home owner it is pretty unrealistic to secretly own a condo especially as nice and luxurious and expensive as the one they had, without paying a serious big mortgage.

Also they all pretty much wanted it to remain a secret from everyone but legally it seems only Vince had the actual title to the ownership of the property right?


I think the fact that they all seemed to be extremely well off that $500-$600 a month each want going to go noticed. That's the only thing I could imagine, and yes, whoever signed the paperwork would be tied to it legally.


Good point but going by your estimate $600 X 5= $3000.00 month seems way too low.

I've owned a few condos in my time and my mortgage was about 3g's and it was no where as nice, modern, luxurious as that pimp loft. I'd assume this movie was supposed to be in either the new upscale luxurious downtown LA or Century City area? or Westwood which would run easily about 5 to 6 g's a month.

I know its not the point of the movie but having a group of friends and collecting payments for anything usually gets ugly especially when married friends are having their wives monitor all of their finances.

I know married guys who never share bank accounts or credit cards withe their wives but I'd imagine most married couples share everything and have access to everything.

But yes I agree with you that pretty much all the guys were successful to the point where they'd be making so much bank that it wouldn't really hurt their pockets at all.


Maybe Vince got a really great discount because he was an architect and had connections with the condo owner?


Yeah, why on earth would you want a hotel bill to show up somewhere when you could be paying each and every month for a high-priced piece of real-estate. Nothing in this movie made any sense.


LOL... exactly what my wife and I said as we watched this idiotic film.

And, why would you promptly use the room to fool around with the wives and mistresses of the guys you brought in on the arrangement?

Sure they had an arrangement not to run into each other at the loft, but still the odds aren't so low that you'd risk the ire of your fellow partners in marital philandering.


They are all in very well paid jobs, they probably withdraw plenty of cash throughout the month, it would be possible to siphon a chunk of every withdrawal into a joint account they set up to pay the mortgage with, they could have the statements for that going to the loft or even opt out of paper statements to avoid that trail.

Sure if the wives totted up the amount of cash they withdraw they'd notice an increase of around $1000 a month, which would probably be about double to what they were withdrawing before, they could mask it a bit by trying to use their cards a bit more where they'd have used cash before.

In any case it's less obvious than hotel's appearing on statements.


Well considering that Vincent was a realestate developer, so he probably got a deal on it, or own it.

Kades! [/love]


He was the architect and they get first dibs on building they design free of charge.


He was the architect and Architects get to choose and design a space in a building they design and they don't need to pay for it. It's a perk of the job.
