MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023) Discussion > Why are Maggie and Negan bickering like ...

Why are Maggie and Negan bickering like the last season of Walking Dead never happened?

I mean at the end of The Walking Dead they left things in a good place kind of, Maggie said she could never forgive him but she accepted Negan as part of the community and they kinda cleared the air and went their separate ways.

But in this show it feels like none of that ever happened, and this is Maggie's first time running into him since she left him in the prison cell. Cause shes just as furious with him as ever, looking and acting towards him like she did when she first returned on Walking Dead and saw he was out of the cell.

Just feels disjointed and we aren't following up on the characters after the last episode of Walking Dead.


Unless this is happening before the last season of the flagship show?

Signed, million man.


No cause Hershel is much older now, he was just a kid in the last season of Walking Dead, now he looks like a teenager.


I haven't tuned in yet. But I think they know a lot of people kind of stopped watching Walking Dead a few years back who might be curious about this. Sounds like they're resetting the gameboard a little bit for new and old fans.


Yeah could be what they're doing.
