Claire's Hair

I know a hairdo is a minor issue, and I'm not overly concerned with appearances, but it always strikes me as odd that Claire (Robin)is a very pretty woman, yet her hairstyle in this show is horrible. She's always dressed so stylish yet the hair just droops to one side, often looking flat and unwashed. What's up with that? Is it an attempt to purposely make her look less attractive?


@frenchi...i TOO find that floppiness a mote aggravating within the context of a character styled to be an über-beetch of sorts(not that that is wrong for the character,merely observation),very much in control,and also within the structure of the entity itself that seems to be Frank-and-Claire...not greatly thrilled with the overall steel-grayness of the world as their color palette either though I see why they've chosen to use it..getting a bit boring/monotone/dragging on the overall vibe, thus far..I'm near the end of season 1,and it's weighing on me...


I think it's done on purpose. It's a masculine look that shows Claire to be the real one in charge or one who wears he pants in the family
