MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Do you need to watch beyond S01 ?

Do you need to watch beyond S01 ?

I think S01 is awesome. Awesome first scene and the show keeps you captured afterwards.

However, S02 only feels like a copy of S01 - just more of the same. There are some strong moments (when Claire publically admits getting raped, when Rachel successfully downs Dough, etc) but overall it doesnt feel necessary.

Specifically the reporter storyline has completely collapsed without Zoey Barnes. Her exboyfriend is NO good replacement at all. In fact I quite quickly started wishing he would leave the show, too.

And the main story got pretty absurd at the end of S02, too.

I've watched half of the first episode of S03 and quite honestly the show is sadly only boring now.

Do you think one needs to watch more than S01 ?

Dont get me wrong, I am very happy to finally see something big with Kevin Spacey again. Great actor. But I dont think this show has much traction beyond S01.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Season 3 was incredibly dull and slow moving, stick it out cause season 4 is just as good as one, imo.


The final Scene of season 4 more than makes up for the entire season three tragedy.


Some shows have a misfire season where none of the ideas work. That is season 3 to this show. It is quite dull but season 4 turned it back around.

I loved Zoey but admit she needed to die and I saw it coming. She was in too deep, knew too much, asking too many questions. She was too much trouble and needed to go. It does suck the storyline is not there but if she stayed Frank would have been brought down in season 2.


@silly...I'm not trying to be mean at ALL here but pleeaase, as I'd just started binge-ing this on Netflix,still on Season 1, as tired a clichĂȘ phrase as it is, I truly wish you'd have put something akin to 'spoiler alert' as I did not need to know that character Zoe is killed yet...just saying...
