MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Should they have a Trump character?

Should they have a Trump character?

Someone who is from outside politics, very loud and aggressive, and has a kind of flamboyance about them? It seems they're trying to do that with Conway, especially with how contemptuous he seems of the voters in private (Which matches up to how Trump's detractors see him.), but I'd love to see Conway, or a new character, just become a complete loose canon who Frank can't necessarily plan around.

I mean, it's been remarkable how Trump has succeeded, when so many seasoned politicians have been trying to drag him down. And all on nothing but sheer personality. I don't really like the man or his politics, but from a narrative standpoint, he's fascinating.


Yeah they could have some Trump-esque person get into the Senate and draw all of the attention, sort of spurring this "political revolution" not unlike the Tea Party movement. Preferably have him played by John Goodman or Will Arnett.


The hilarious thing is that I was thinking of John Goodman, too! He's one of my favourite actors, and can go from being amiable and loveable to bloody terrifying pretty quickly.

And he has the chops for it, too. Just look at his role on The West Wing. Giving a press conference about killing a terrorist, and he glibly remarks: My one regret is we only got to kill the son of a bitch once.
He would be a perfect choice.


Frank Underwood is already a Trump-like character. Dangerous and homicidal. Plus Underwood is a mezza finnoch just like Trump. The only difference is that Frank Underwood is educated and has a much higher IQ than Trump.


Underwood is nothing like Trump. For a start, his motives seem far more benign, and he doesn't use racebaiting as much as Trump seems to.
Secondly, he's articulate, he plays the system. But Trump is so far beyond the system, it's scary. When you call out Trump on a lie he told, he doesn't backpedal, he just comes up with ten new lies on the spot.

I think Frank would be utterly infuriated with him.


Thanks for the reminder billanubis, you put it in a very clear way. Haven't watched House of cards in over a year, still waiting for my hold on season four to come in at the library.


It would be better if they just make a meta reference to the real Trump (via the Donald Trump in their own 'universe') and joke about how outlandish it would be if he was to run for president.


There was a movie called "The last Hurrah" in 1958 based on a book by the same name. An old time Democratic mayor of Boston is defeated by a young shallow man. Part of it is that Spencer Tracy's followers are of an older generation and dying off. He depends on the old time party apparatus.

Meanwhile his opponent appears on TV with a rented dog and cute kids.

The story is more complex than that, of course. There was a TV movie remake in 1977 with Carroll O'Connor playing the mayor which is based on Mayor Curley an actual political figure.

Many people are saying Hilary Clinton has struggled against Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders through her use of old time tactics. Her opponents were quicker to use Facebook, twitter, and all types of social media to fund raise and arouse young people.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


very loud and aggressive, and has a kind of flamboyance about them

Seems too late but a Trump character for the show's election storyline but he can be introduced as a senator or congressman becomes the Underwoods' patsy for political name. Mark Addy's performance in 'Game of Thrones' screams Trump.


When you call out Trump on a lie he told, he doesn't backpedal, he just comes up with ten new lies on the spot.

Thanks, you just described HiLIARy to the max. She was such a bona fide phony even the low end of the spectrum could see the artifice in her eyes and treachery in her smile.

After losing, HiLIARy quoted Scripture to her teary supporters (she didn't have the grace to face them the night she lost), one wonders, "Has this woman no shame?"

The answer: "The shame ship sailed forty years ago and left Hillary at the dock."
Good riddance.


mezza finnoch??


Oh my god Will Arnett would be fantastic!


I do think that they could've written Conway to basically be a younger version of Trump, seeing how filming of season 4 started shortly after Trump declared his candidacy.

That said, there are a few moments that seem to make reference to Trump's campaign: at one point, Frank makes a remark about the DNC being "show business", not politics. There's also the entire controversy about the photo of Frank's father with the KKK members, which echoes Trump's David Duke problem.


Trump is nothing like Underwood for a starter Frank is a murderer and Trump is incapable of murdering someone specially in the way Frank Underwood did. The cover up and later forcing the President to re-sign to take over. Also Frank was never elected by the people and he has no popularity even among his own party the Democrats. He controls the party through fear and deception. Trump by comparison has a company that employs hundreds and thousands of people, not sure of the numbers and while he not free of corrupt practices everything Trump did was legit and legal.


Yes. Played by Alec Baldwin!!


Don't they already have a bumbling, racist idiot on the show?


A Trump character would be unbelievable...Trump lied, lied and lied about everything but was elected because of his racism. Would people believe Americans would elect a Nazi to the White House? Seems impossible.
