MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Joel Kinnaman is TERRIBLE

Joel Kinnaman is TERRIBLE

The 4th season of House of Cards is amazing is every level. Except for Joel Kinnaman's Terrible performance. Every time he gives a political speech it is so *beep* fake.
Why the heel did they do this?


As an actor, he has no sense for politics. It was a mistake, oh well. I think he did better toward the end.


I agree. He gets a bit better but still, its pretty bad


You actually really can see him improving as the series goes on. I found that interesting, because most awful actors stay bad from start to finish 


He was awful all along. He knew he was out of place with all those great actors and it felt. What I don't get is, who cast this guy? Who saw him auditioning for the part and thought, "yeah, he would be great next to Spacey"? There are tons of young, handsome and charismatic young actors who would've been better that this guy. I heard he's actually not that bad in The Killing. Maybe he's just a one trick pony with no range and when he tries to act outside of his comfort zone it shows.


What really got me wasn't his acting overall, but his accent constantly coming through while giving speeches about being a patriotic American and all that.



The mayor of New York isn't some stuffed shirt. Although six foot five, De Blasio's a democrat, and wife's black and their children aren't spoiled brats.

I'm sorry the Coen brothers don't direct the porn I watch. They're hard to get ahold of, okay?


I can't stand the actor at all. Hate him in everything he does.

Bad casting choice here - how had is it to find a tall actor??

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver



The actor is competent, but his character felt so manufactured and forced, and not very likeable (as opposed to the sex and booze addicted but well rounded, humane Peter Russo from S1).




I've enjoyed the new season but it has some major problems imo. It seems like through sheer force of will, or maybe the force, everyone is able to convince everyone else to do *beep* immediately after they say they won't regardless of rather of solid the reasoning is. Some episodes had scene after scene of discussions/arguments ending in some witty one-liner that convinces someone to change their minds about doing something for basically no real reason.
What the *beep* is the deal with Freddy? When did he decide he hated Frank? Did I miss something? Freddy was a pretty cool character but for no apparent reason he's now an uppity shine caricature angry at the president because he gave him a job.

Has HoC always been this convoluted and dramatized? I don't remember it being quite this camp. Tom Yates and Claire is lame. One of the interesting things about Claire was her mostly asexual lifestyle aside from that one guy, but now shes in this ordinary soap-style relationship.

I also have a hard time believing that Freddy, a guy who worked for many years running and operating/working in a restuarant is somehow incapable of understanding and being a part of the service industry. "I'm just the help to you aint I huh". Well, Freddy, yes, that's kind of how *beep* *beep* works and I refuse to believe you haven't known that for the past several decades.


I agree with most of that, except the Claire parts.
Still, this season was really awesome.


Freddy was treated in a condescending, paternalistic way by Francis for many, many years, hence the outburst. And he was muttering behind Francis' back later on in S3 with Remy, saying what a awful person Francis was and he always ducked out into the kitchen.


Frank and Freddy have had a strained relationship since season 2, when Frank distanced himself from Freddy for political reasons, and Freddy's business got destroyed. Frank gave Freddy a job at the White House later, in part to make up for the whole thing & rescue him from unemployment... but they weren't really friends anymore. Freddy used to be his own boss. Frank treating him like a lackey really grates on him.


Freddy's foul mouthed verbal outburst may have seemed disproportionate to many viewers, but it did seem like Francis offering one last job to cook ribs (recalling his collapsed business) was the straw that broke the camel's back.


They should probaly hired an american to act like an american hero. Joel Kinnaman is a half american but he still does have that swedish accent in him.


Well I mean...I believe him as kind of that fake all smiles politician that American people would gush over. So it works.


My problem with Kinnaman and the most swedish actors are that you can hear their accent and it spoils things. The only scandinavian actors I usually don´t cant tell their true accent are danish ones. They are usually pretty good faking being american or brittish.


Or Russian.

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There's an article that explains why Kinnaman had a hard time transitioning from his last role to his new on in House of Cards and why you can notice an improvement over time. He says: "We were able to work it out... I was promised five weeks in between productions, but then that shrunk to like six days or something so it was really jumping from one to the next. I was a little concerned right when I started out cause I was pretty drained after Suicide Squad and I had done a movie just before that as well so I was coming off of eight months of shooting very intense stuff."


That makes a lot of sense.


No it doesn't make a lot of sense. Working actors do that all the time. Switching gears on short notice is part of the job.

If you're lucky enough to have that much work that you go right from one job to another, thank your lucky stars. Don't make excuses.


Exactly. Vanessa Hudgens father died the night before she did Grease Live. Now that is extreme emotional and mental pressure, but she was a poised and gave a critically acclaimed live performance in front of millions. No rest in between or reshoots or retakes. It's called being a professional. He was "promised" five weeks rest after being on a movie set when the actors are treated like royalty. Please. He was not with Doctors with out Borders in some war torn country for years. And its this an ensemble movie, so it is not like he was front any center playing Deadpool in a Deadpool movie.

Hate when celebrities make excuses for lackluster performances. Just stay silent or cop to it and try to do better.


That would make sense if there was an improvement. I'm at the last episode and I've yet to see it.

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