MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > I don't understand the bit about the par...

I don't understand the bit about the pardon

Why pardon Francis right now, he hasn't even been formally charged with anything yet, and he is not in jail or under house arrest. That's one.

And two, why on earth would Claire have mentioned it in the same speech as the declaration of war on Syria? That sounded like totally ridiculous writing to me.


When Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon it was before Nixon had been charged in any court with crimes. The thinking was to get past the scandal so that Ford's presidency would not be dominated by Nixon news for the next few years.
I agree that Claire's war speech would not have been the best time to say, "Oh, by the way, I'm giving a pardon to my husband, the former president."

Here's an interesting aspect to the pardon though. Claire said she planned to pardon him "for any crimes committed while he was president." If she does that then he would still be criminally liable for (1) the congressman who he killed by carbon monoxide poisoning (2) Zoe Barnes who he threw off the train platform and even (3) LeAnn whose death he caused right after he had resigned the presidency.

So a Frank Underwood in prison would not be hard to visualize next season.


Is there definitely going to be a next season?


I'm guessing there will be. Too many things have been left hanging. Most everyone wants to know what becomes of both Underwoods and Doug Stamper.
I suspect at least one of those three dies in the next season and I would also guess that if they have a next season it will be the last one for the series.


Why do you think the next season will be the last? For me it seems obvious they want to continue this for a few more years.


Just a gut feeling that they've taken the plot about as far as it can stretch.
The British series which preceded the American version lasted far less time and came to a clear end point.
It would surprise me if the Underwoods last more than one more season. But, who knows?


That's true, but the British version wasn't a cultural juggernaut like this one is. Going by the ending of the "back-to-form" season 5, I think we will get one more season, minimum. But we will have to wait and see.


Will she pardon him? She wouldn't answer his phone calls.

It gave a strong indication that Leann was in a bad auto accident, possibly killed.

Stamper's actions need to be addressed. Will Rachel's body be found in the desert?

Long wait until season 6.
