MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Season 6 to be renamed "House of Cats".

Season 6 to be renamed "House of Cats".

Turns out Frank has to stay home all day and can't go out because he fears for his life.

Instead he stays in all day and talks to his cats like he used to talk to the camera.

As for Claire, she runs away with Westley again and they do a Jigsaw 2 together.


Don't ever attempt stand-up comedy, you suck.


I'd say the same about your attempts at heckling but it would somehow validate your shitty attempt in the first place.


Reading that was like masturbating with a cheese grater. Slightly amusing but mostly painful. How’s that? Better?


I'd suggest Swiss cheese, no need for the grater in that case.

Only amusement.
