It's a good show...

but I just don't consider it one of my favorites. I usually prefer other shows that have more superior writing whether it's a cartoon (like Avatar: The Last Airbender) or any live action genre like fantasy (Game of Thrones), comedy (Friends), drama (Breaking Bad), etc, etc.

House of Cards does a good job handling it's political subject matter even though I'm not a fan of politics and the overall acting was great especially Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright. But of course the show suffered in it's final season (thanks to Kevin's allegations regarding Anthony Rapp) with nonsensical writing, boring pacing, and some of the cinematography not being quite as good. Michael Kelly was the only good thing about Season 6, but even that wasn't enough to save it considering the show ended on a cliffhanger than a resolution which left me completely baffled.

Now, if many of you out there consider this show to be one of your favorites, more power to you. I just happen to prefer Stranger Things and The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.


The first two seasons are outstanding. Direction, writing, performances all top notch.

Season 3 gets better on repeat views, but is still a bit of a step down from S02.

Season 4 returns more to the feel of the first 2 seasons & is a decided improvement on S03.

S05 starts off good, but quickly loses steam about half way through, & gets bogged down in rushed lazy writing & nosensecal plot contrivances!

S06, with the drama of KS exit, the whole season is literally a case of flinging shit at the wall & hoping it would stick.......& all it did was stink.
