MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Cardboard cutout cashgrab (mild spoilers...

Cardboard cutout cashgrab (mild spoilers)

Nice CGI, very unrealistic (where's the dust?, Where's protection of the dream designer)
Jared Leto was wooden, as was Robin Wright. And a very contrived story with no emotional payload. A style over matter exercise.

Utterly forgettable.

I almost shouted "Hey Paul!" when Leto did his staccato terminator speech.

I just watched it. Meh.


I think we're in agreement on the movie but also the point about the dream designer. It just seemed lazy: just walk in and talk to her. Boom no problem. What? Wasn't Deckard trying to hide?



i think an actual good ending would be if deckard was the one dying, and his last wish was to see his daughter

the way the movie has it is out of nowhere K takes him to see his daughter, like "oh hey, don't you wanna meet your daughter?" "oh, i guess so"

the way the movie ends now has almost no impact for me

i thought the movie was good but not great like everyone is saying

so i don't agree with the people worshiping it and i don't agree with the people bashing it, unless they're just exaggerating how bad they thought it was to offset the praise
