affleck back in rehab

Could that spell the end of his Batman?


He could be in rehab for a few years. They can't delay The Batman solo movie any further.


Feels like a recast is on the way.


Just as RDJ's travails helped him be a pitch perfect version of A Tony Stark, Ben Affleck's setbacks actually can work and can be channeled into an older more sanguine Bruce Wayne after falling into despair at what wasn't achieved in his beloved Gotham.

The studio should hang in there with Ben for a number of selfish reasons with that being just one of them.


Yes. Recasting is what everyone expects. Maybe they should delay and keep him for a phoenix like comeback (an Affback)


They can't wait for him forever, they can't keep delaying the project cause of one man's problems. We shouldn't be holding out for him to come back because it would be setting people up for a possible disappointment.


Maybe it could work to his benefit. Would love to see a drunk, unstable, guilt ridden Batman (more than what we saw in BvS).

I guess it depends on how his rehab goes and how long it takes.


Yeah, a drunk, unstable, guilt-ridden older batman might make the character really interesting!

In the hands of another production team, I'm pretty much given up on the people making the current movies.


Haha that's true. Don't worry though, at the rate Disney is buying up everything they will probably own DC and all entertainment in a few years.


In the case of DC films, that might not be a bad thing. It's not like they could do worse than "Justice League".


Second time he went into rehab was when he stepped down as director.


There's insurance costs in rehab that would affect his role as Batman.


This is unfortunate. I have enjoyed his depiction of Batman/Bruce Wayne thus far.


I thought they already decided to go with a younger actor to do this movie since it's an orgin movie


Another origin movie? Oh Christ. I might skip this one too.
