X men or avangers?

Hi guys. I am actually a DC fan, but i recently bought all of the x men movies and I enjoyed them very much. I don't like the Avengers movies and solo movies at all. I think X men is a lot better. Who here agrees or disagrees and give your reason or opinion??


I agree I much prefer the X-Men films over the MCU films.


the FF


You completely ignored the real question. Get off your fucking phone, batmanasshole.


Apples and oranges - but I enjoy them both. And, I don't hate DC - I just don't think they are doing a good job at making movies.

X-Men are a bit grittier but don't exactly flow together. The first three do, but they should have done Wolverine after X3. While I do like Origins, it doesn't fit. And even though First Class and DOFP flow together, there is a jump there between movies, and FC doesn't flow after Wolverine because happens right before DOFP.

The Avengers and their solo movies all flow well together. Some may not have much connection with the others, but it is simply amazing how everything is intertwined, including the TV show.

So, I'd rank Avengers and X-Men as 1 & 1A.


And, I don't hate DC

Hard to believe this, considering your posting history.

I just don't think they are doing a good job at making movies.

What about The Dark Knight trilogy? Wasn't that trilogy, you know, genuinely great series of DC films?


He's obviously talking about their current films lineup. Everyone knows The Dark Knight movies are amazing.


Everyone knows The Dark Knight movies are amazing.


Oh, wait...you were being serious.



Yes I'm quite serious, they are good movies.


Begins was pretty good, TDK is one of the most over-rated movies ever and TDKR sucks.


I can see why people think Rises sucks, but Dark Knight? I'm interested in having a conversation about it.


It was extremely over-rated. Bruce studied for several years to master martial arts, yet moves with the grace of a granite statue in the fight scenes.

He's supposed to be "The World's Greatest Detective", and the time we get to see his "brilliance" is when he gets non-existent fingerprints off of a shattered bullet by shooting four other bricks with a random caliber bullet to figure out how to reassemble the bullet in the brick he's holding. 

I found Ledger's Joker to be neither crazy or intimidating - simply annoying. He was also too unbelievable. He boasts about not having a plan, but it is obvious he does and it is not only incredibly detailed, but depends upon a thousand different things happening JUST RIGHT and at JUST THE RIGHT TIME for it to work.

The people who love this movie boast about it being so "realistic" and "grounded in realism" but then try to dismiss the flaws by saying you have to suspend disbelief.

Well, if it were that good, I wouldn't have to. For instance, he and Rachel fall out of the high-rise, crash onto the car, and not only does Batman walk away without a scratch, Rachel does as well.

And, if that weren't bad enough, he doesn't even go back up to his penthouse to go after Joker. He just leaves his guests at the mercy of Joker.

What people like is that this isn't the typical comic book movie with flash and explosions. Unfortunately, they mistake the morose tone as being quality.

TDKR was a cr*p fest. Stupidity, mistakes, poor film-making, cringe-worthy points. 


I agree with everything you said, great post!


I always had a problem with that scene. It was a perfect opportunity for him to use the grappling hook. Instead, they just fall, from the penthouse....


I enjoy both series a lot, but the X-Men series is bad about having continuity issues.


That's part of its charm.


The Avengers movies are made for kids so not a fair comparison. for adults, obviously its X-Men


Definitely X Men. Never cared for the Avengers


X-Men, though I wish there was better connections between movies. Each new film seems to act as if there were another film between it and its immediate predecessor that doesn’t exist. For example, the setup of Days of Future Past seems like there should have been another original timeline X-Men movie after X3 and a film set in the prequel timeline after FC. Also, it seems like there should have been an original timeline X-Men movie after Days of Future Past before Logan since they referenced significant events that were never shown on film. The only way to really rectify this would be to make another X-Men movie with the original cast set before the events of Logan.






