MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Discussion > Are they supposed to be a couple?

Are they supposed to be a couple?

Please no haters, just serious answers.

It really seemed like Charles and Erik were an old gay couple in the future scenes. I mean, I think they probably kept it vague on purpose and I'm sure Patrick and Ian's close friendship probably feeds into that reading of the scenes, but did anybody else get that impression? When Erik was dying and held Charles's hand and told him how he wished they hadn't wasted so much time fighting, it kid of seemed like some sort of veiled declaration to me? Did anybody else get this vibe?

Bryan Singer and Ian McKellen both have said they read the relationship that way, but that doesn't mean it's what they were trying to imply with that scene. Just wondering if im alone in my interpretation?


You are clearly not alone. There are insane numbers of fan fiction about those two, some very plasuable scenarios.


Actually, yes and no. The original trilogy never depicted their relationship this way, but this was rather more apparent on their initial interactions during First Class. McAvoy and Fassbender's portrayal during close, intimate scenes does lend itself well to suggest the idea, and apparently that element was brought back onto their future counterparts for this film. I didn't really feel that during their final scene though; but the way they surrounded each other, with Erik always standing by Charles' side... they even completed each other's sentences from time to time, which is certainly reminiscent of how a couple behaves. Now, it's not like an overt indication that these two are "romantically" affectionate towards each other, but you do feel something "deeper" in there.

And, you know, there's always this:

If anything, you can easily feel Charles' desire to bring out the best in Erik, in the same way that Erik sees in Charles his closest connection to a sense of humanity. This was certainly palpable during Apocalypse as well.


I really wish that people think any close friendship between two people of the same sex means that they're gay. This is really getting out of hand.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


Well who else would have them at such advanced ages? Sex wouldn't have to be involved for there to be mutual respect and admiration! I remember seeing an interview of Dr. Renee Richards a few years ago; wound up settling down with another woman since she had failing health and mental acuity! 

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- - - - Homage to DW & B7


It's not really 'out of hand' when you're talking about two men who have basically been obsessed with each other for 50 years - and they're the only consistent emotional relationship either one has had over that period of time (in the movies, Charles doesn't even seem to have lovers?). I mean, Magneto wears a helmet every day of his life specifically to keep Charles out.

If this were just two guys with chemistry I could maybe see you rolling your eyes at the question, but these two particular characters have such a weird, long history with each other, it's not on off-base assumption to make. Especially at the end when they're holding hands and Erik tells him they wasted so much time fighting, implying they could have spent that time with each other instead. It's not *crazy* to read into that.

And if you have ever read the comics, Erik gets super duper weird and even more obsessed with Charles after he dies, having a life sized painting of him made which he talks to every night. It's not the type of thing dudes do for their platonic friends, IMO. Erik also says they're 'bookends of the same soul'. Again, not how guys might describe their bros.


It's not the type of thing dudes do for their platonic friends, IMO.

EXACTLY! It is ONLY your opinion. And, it isn't really based upon anything significant either.

Erik also says they're 'bookends of the same soul'. Again, not how guys might describe their bros.

I actually consider my best friend more of a brother than my own, actual brothers. When one of my actual brothers died, I wasn't devastated. When my best friend goes, I don't know what shape I'll be in.

And, before you suggest anything, my best friend is about 100# over weight, thick glasses to go with bug-eyes, and not good looking at all.

But I love him.


"...And, before you suggest anything, my best friend is about 100# over weight, thick glasses to go with bug-eyes, and not good looking at all."

...and you? 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Average to slightly above average, or so I've been told.

Or, let me put it another way, I dated several girls in HS, college and beyond before I got married. He married the first girl he dated, and for a long time she treated him like sh!t.

That is, until I got it through his thick skull that she wasn't going to dump him because she wasn't anything special. Once he started standing up for himself and making her pull her own weight / say no to some of her stupidity, she changed and became a better wife, mother and friend.


Well ain't you something!  

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Yes I am. 


...mostly modest! 

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...yeah, I just said it was my opinion, not fact. Not sure why you felt the need to reiterate that? What was the point of the quoted text? It's not a 'gotcha moment' if I'm aware I wrote it.

It's also your opinion that they don't have a secret romantic love for each other. But maybe you're just touchy about it because you are close with your friend and you identify with Charles and Erik? I think you don't like the idea that there could be romantic undertones to their friendship bc of what you think that would imply about you and your buddy. But, like, if Charles/Erik do have a feelings that go beyond friendship, that has nothing to do with you. Obviously many guys have close platonic friendships without people thinking they're gay. I'm sure you're secure enough to know that.

Nobody thinks Hank and Charles have the hots for each other and they've lived together for 20 years alone in a ramshackle mansion like Grey Gardens! Not every pair of male best friends gets that kind of speculation, just the ones where the actors eye-f#ck each other, call each other cute and cry about being abandoned.


I just said it was my opinion, not fact. Not sure why you felt the need to reiterate that? What was the point of the quoted text? It's not a 'gotcha moment' if I'm aware I wrote it.

Because you are ignorantly adamant that your opinion is correct.

It's also your opinion that they don't have a secret romantic love for each other.

Seriously. Lay off the meth. If we use your "logic" then we can say that it is my opinion that you molest little boys. Never mind there is no proof of that nor would any rational person come to that conclusion. You molest little boys.


Serious answer, no they're not!

HOWEVER, you can't fake or ignore the chemistry that the 2 actors have anymore than you can pretend that the 'Science Bros' of AVENGERS is all a edit/cut/paste scenario, nor for that matter is the Evans/Chiklis brotherly love of FANTASTIC 4 & 'SILVER SURFER'! The scenario you mention of Magneto w/ a painting of Charles is from AGE OF APOCALYPSE, where Charles ceases to exist yes? They're old friends, like brothers whom while they have arrived @ the same places by much different routes, they are '2 sides of the same coin' they can agree to disagree, except when Eric puts innocent lives in danger & kills people due to 'the Sins of the Father' (nobody but Shaw in these movies have been involved in the atrocities he witnessed & endured in the Holocaust, right?)

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


It really seemed like Charles and Erik were an old gay couple in the future scenes. I mean, I think they probably kept it vague on purpose and I'm sure Patrick and Ian's close friendship probably feeds into that reading of the scenes, but did anybody else get that impression? When Erik was dying and held Charles's hand and told him how he wished they hadn't wasted so much time fighting, it kid of seemed like some sort of veiled declaration to me? Did anybody else get this vibe?

Bryan Singer and Ian McKellen both have said they read the relationship that way, but that doesn't mean it's what they were trying to imply with that scene. Just wondering if im alone in my interpretation?

Serious answer is NO. Eric and Charles are friends


Yes they were a couple, the original Dumbledore and Grindelwald. It's obvious.


Stan Lee says NO
