MovieChat Forums > Phantom (2013) Discussion > will this see theater screens?

will this see theater screens?

I keep looking every now and then for some additional info on this film. They filmed many submarine shots in my hometown of San Diego, CA. The only other thing i've seen from Todd Robinson was The Lonely Hearts and i dont recall ever seeing that make it to the big screen, albeit it's top billed actors. David Duchovny's previous films have all been lower budget and rarely make it to theaters. As for Ed Harris, well, you just dont put him straight to DVD, hands down. However, it's hard to say the same thing about Lance Henrikson. The guy will always be loved for his character Bishop from Aliens, but in the last decade i think all his films have been cheap straight to DVD movies.
I just want to be able to watch this movie on the big screen in my home town, thats all.


My understanding is that there is a US distribution deal in place but I'll have to exercize my brain a bit to remember where I read this. No doubt it was in William Fichtner-related news though.


Film will hit theaters in the fall of 2012. Sony is supposed to release the film.


Well now it appears they are shopping it at Cannes so I guess that means there is nothing in place yet. I hope it gets picked up. These three actors as the stars are like a middle-aged lady's dream. Not that I would know about that.


Hey, at least don't forget Frank Black in Millennium, when talking about Lance Henrikson! He's a one of a kind actor whom I wish was a little more picky with his movies. I love the actors on this movie, and Lonely Hearts was a solid thriller.

Unfortunately in despite of there talents you're right - great actors with a lot of mediocre movies in the baggage. Sounds like an entertaining plot though, so I sure hope it's made.


One can only hope i guess. Maybe there is a way i can show more support for the film? Call up Cannes and say, "Hey, buy this movie!" Or something....?


Please do!!


I hope if it is picked up that they really back the film. Its so sad to see some really good films that never get any publicity. This movie really looks good.



I spoke to the director yesterday. Phantom is scheduled for theatrical release in March, 2013. There will likely be a premiere event at the San Diego Maritime Museum.


Glad to hear! I think this could be good!
