MovieChat Forums > Fire with Fire (2012) Discussion > Time to Revive the Hollywood Blacklist

Time to Revive the Hollywood Blacklist

I can't believe they were able to finance this piece of *beep* for $20 million when acclaimed independent directors struggle to get even $5 million. And this movie is also straight to dvd, such a waste.. Bruce Willis is becoming increasingly difficult to respect anymore as an actor as he keeps doing sh!t movies like this, in addition to 5 other movies a year like GI Joe 14 and Die Hard 28.. Let's put the talentless director of the disgrace film adaption of the game Max Payne and have him make a sequel to Die Hard.. Great Idea!!

We need to bring back to life the old hollywood blacklisting of the early days of film when they hunted for communists and respective supporters. To modernize it, they need to put people like Josh Duhamel, Bruce Willis, Katherine Heigel, Sarah Jessica Parker, etc. who are disgracing film with the absolute feces they are making each year. If we can get these movie whores to be blacklisted then we can clean up film and revive it to its intended state, similar to the late 60s-1970s when film was made to be respected and acclaimed rather then mass produced and profited from. If it means also killing off some of these greedy studio exec pigs then so beit. They know that their is an abundance of low intelligence Americans here in USA, as they are the majority unfortunately, so the studios will continue producing these defecations one after another profiting on our nation's mongoloid population. You know, the one's who pre-order tickets to the next Transformers sequel or next Twilight sh!t film and then blog about it to everyone as if it's so important.


One man's opinion. Not every actor is trying to create Casablanca. There was nothing wrong with this movie. Movies are are allowed to be just fun and entertaining. That is their purpose. Everyone's a critic.

If a man has not discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live. Martin Luther King Jr.


I loved this movie, and love both Willis and Duhamel. Even like Heigl and Parker movies. You seem to just want serious movies put out ther. Sorry, but I go to the movies or rent them looking for 2 hours of mindless entertainment. And most of the time, I get it. This movie was great, loved it, and was happy that my dad rented it. I also enjoyed the last Twilight, the last Transformers, and know that I'll be seeing GI Joe 2 and the new Die Hard. You wanna watch Citizen Kane, be my guest. But I'll happily fork over my money for some action like this, corniness like Twilight, or simple romantic comedies that'll make me smile like those from Heigl or Parker.

"Oh my God! You put a living room where the crack den used to be!"


The worst crime movie ever made was Striking Distance starring Parker and Willis, so you may be on to something.


I actually liked Striking Distance. Is it high art> Of course not. But I enjoyed the movie and the cast.


I kind of agree but it's a waste to fantasize that they would just put Willis and other overexposed actors on a blacklist when their cinema movies make so much money for Hollywood. Transformers and Twilight may be crap but they make box office history. The industry isn't concerned with making Citizen Kane. The general public has already shown that it doesn't care about cerebral movies. No one goes to the cinema to see those kinds of movies anymore. They want loud explosions, expensive and elaborate CGI/VFX, sex and scandal and raucous bachelor party comedies. They want to be entertained, not forced to think. With IMAX and 3-D movies, the cinema is the new amusement park. I, myself, admit that I won't spend money to go see some indie flick in a theater when I could go see Skyfall or The Hobbit.

The reason why Willis can make crap like this is because of the big blockbuster movies he also stars in that rake in mega-millions. His name alone gets butts into movie seats, so it goes to figure that his name gets people to click on simple B movies like Fire with Fire. Believe it or not, these movies are necessary evils for the industry as tax-write offs. The studios already know ahead of time that they wont make all their money back on these things.

So, in short, this system is here to stay because the studios will make money whether a movie is a hit or a flop. And if some art happens to slip through then all the better. It makes them look smart and hip.


I just thought the subject was hilarious. I do agree, but this movie was pretty entertaining. And that is all I require.
But for this my blacklist would be
If a person is suppose to be a star at least be in the movie for half of it. So 50 Cent and Bruce Willis you are on the BL for 1 year. I just saw a movie wit Val Kilmer, he was in for 10 minutes. He gets a 2 year penalty.

Rosario Dawson. Am I sick of her? Yes. Now I know what Colin Ferrell was complaining about. Something weird is going on with her. So for the casting directors and for her a 10 year suspension.
Movie were defense lawyers look just as guilty as the people they are defending. That is their job. Even a criminal deserves the best defense, and I am sure we all will want one if needed. Pretty short black list.

All in all it was a pretty exciting movie to look at on a boring day at home.


What did I miss about Rosario Dawson?? What did Colin say about her????


A few years ago they had fling while making this movie Alexander. She would not let go and essentially became a stalker. I believe she actually showed up on some tv show he was on like leno.


Wow. That's a messed up thing to have on your Hollywood gossip resume. Sounds like some Sean Young crazy stalker sh!t.


This movie was shot in 20 days. Do the math. It couldn't cost 20




They know that their is an abundance of low intelligence Americans here in USA, as they are the majority unfortunately, so the studios will continue producing these defecations one after another profiting on our nation's mongoloid population.

There's more to it than that. Today everything is global. Or, to be more exact, today everything that's big, stupid, and corporate works on a global level (or it wants to). The U.S. market may be a substantial part of these studios' calculations, but there are many more potential viewers for movies like this overseas-- mostly males, of course-- and even if all the dialogue sux they don't really care because they don't know English anyway, they just want to see the action. So it's outside the U.S. where the industry makes most of the gross (a fitting term) from this type of defecation.

Blacklist metaphors aside (and that's where I'd like to leave them), I can feel where you're coming from, OP. Back when I first came across "Lethal Weapon", ages ago on cable, I tuned in just as Danny Glover's character was cackling with laughter from seeing the bad guy roasting to death in his getaway car. What I thought, watching that scene, was: "How could movies like this possibly be doing anything to improve this country, this world, which already has way too much senseless macho violence? Won't these movies ultimately make it worse?" And then an old Public Enemy song (which was motivated by a different problem in the movie industry) came to mind: "Burn Hollywood Burn". Of course, by using that as a solution one would be indulging in still more senseless violence, but still, it's what popped into my head.

These "look-at-me-I'm-badass, look-how-many-people-I-can-kill-without-caring-at-all" male-armor 'action' movies must be polluting our culture and our collective mind, at least among impressionable boys and young men, to some degree.

And besides: In the climax of this movie, when the 'hero' jumps in a minivan and races toward the burning building, we hear the sound effect of a roaring V8 from a Dodge Challenger or some such. In a minivan?! I mean, come on! ;)
