MovieChat Forums > Fire with Fire (2012) Discussion > Far from great but not so bad as reviews...

Far from great but not so bad as reviews suggest

Despite the bigger names in the cast - Willis, Dawson, D'Onofrio - and the 2nd tier actors such as Duhamel and 50 Cent and some dependable character actors, this movie is pretty much Walmart $5 discount bin material.

That said it's not horrific.

Willis is the draw name and he seems more animated and engaged here than he does in a lot of his recent stuff, but his part is completely irrelevant to the movie. He moves about in the background, making phone calls, appearing at crime scenes to survey the situation, etc but otherwise he's just background furniture.

The sort of movie you play in the background while doing more important stuff...


I actually enjoyed the movie Vincent,Bruce,McMahon and Jones were all great as usual

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi
