So living in an eternal prison is a good thing now ?

Loop is basically a prison where nothing changes. You have to do the same thing for decades, never grow up. How is this a good thing ?

Also happy end ? Returning to the time period when a world is consumed by war and you can get killed any time for a girl you know less than week. Yeah, right....


Haha! It's worth it for love. Apparently.


I don't know. If I could go back to a place that was amazing I might consider it.



You have to do the same thing for decades, never grow up.

They had certain chores that they had to do each day, like returning the baby squirrel to the nest, but beyond that they were free to do whatever they wanted. Play games, read books, etc.

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Waaiiit a second, they had to repeat the same CHORES every day?? I thought they'd at least have different tasks and adventures every day, with the terrible consequence being that they never aged, but seriously??


I don't think they have to repeat the same chores every day. They can do new chores, but get in a habit to do certain ones they enjoy doing. For instance, when she saved the baby squirrel. Probably on the day before they created the loop, she found the baby squirrel on the ground, maybe dead. So, with the kindness of her heart, she doesn't want the baby squirrel to die, so she catches it, and puts it back in its nest every day. This going off my observation of just the movie, I didn't read the books.

To answer OP, if I could relive a "perfect" day over and over, I probably would consider it... A day with your significant other, or unforgettable vacation day,


What impressed me the most was the boy was willing to give up his cell phone. Now that's true love!


(Spoilers obviously, and this movie was horrid enough I'd probably never watch again, but...)

As I understand, the 1943 loop in which Miss Peregrine's children lived closed and they escaped for a time to a 2016 loop, but due to events there ended up permanently living in 1943--that is, they would age normally starting from there.

Questions are raised about the nature of the loops, though, for instance, the 1943 loop involved not just the children's home but an entire village. Every day people arrived to complain about damage to a pub, and sometimes when the conversation got out of hand Miss Peregrine killed them. Luckily she did not do this on the last day before the loop closed, so those people went on living in 1943. Question is, where was the village and its inhabitants during all that time? Did other people from 1943 notice them gone or did the next day just begin for everyone as if the loop had never existed and only Miss Peregrine and her children were missing, presumed killed? Odd how the 2016 pub owner spoke of them as a nice group when they trashed this pub every day in 1943!

One thing which was a bit confusing is how Jake arrived where the others were once settled in 1943, obviously through several loops, one of which was near enough the time he was aiming for and then he had to reach the place where the others were. At the end Jake and all the others were living in 1943, not a loop. The question is, say Jake was 16 years old in 2016, and possibly only a year or two older depending on how long it took him to reach 1943, so say he was equivalent to a person born around 1925. In 2016 he'd be only 91 so could still be alive. But when they reach the time for Jake to be conceived in 1999/2000, does the old 1943 Jake just disappear as he can't occupy two places at once?
