MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2013) Discussion > Why’d it Bomb? Carrie (2013)

Why’d it Bomb? Carrie (2013)

4. People thought Chloe Moretz was miscast
Before the movie came out, many people thought Chloe Moretz was “too pretty” to be Carrie White. Honestly, while the girl is beautiful, I didn’t see it but others just thought there was no way she would be an outcast.

3. Any attempt to bank off of Carrie’s success hasn’t turned out well
The musical was a flop, no one saw the sequel from 1999, and the TV remake from 2002 was going to have a TV spin-off but that was cancelled due to low ratings. The only things related to Carrie that have been successful is the original book and the 1976 Sissy Spacek movie. This remake just followed in the footsteps of previous misfires.

2. It came out close to the Sandy Hook Massacre
Carrie 2013 came out barely a year after the Sandy Hook Massacre. Now many people thought that Carrie didn’t really need to be remade in the first place. But, if there was a time to remake it, it kinda seems like a movie based off of a book where a teenage girl kills many of her classmates might have resonated with many people during the time something similar happened in real life. Instead, it might’ve actually turned people off from seeing the movie because they might’ve found it uncomfortably close to real life and, therefore, didn’t go see the movie.

1. Many people found it to be a pointless remake
I gotta be honest, I don’t think remaking Carrie is a bad idea because I find the original kind of cheesy. Sissy Spacek is great in the title role but it can be a little silly and pretentious at times in my opinion. That being said, many other people don’t really share that sentiment and thought the original was fine as is therefore it didn’t need to get remade. As a result, they didn’t go see the movie.

And, while I may not have been a big fan of the original, I’ll give it this: it’s way, way better than the remake. Even though I don’t think Chloe Moretz is physically miscast as Carrie, she just tries too hard to come off as this meek, shy girl and it feels like she’s acting while Spacek basically felt like she really was a meek, teenage girl and not someone pretending to be one! Plus, the whole thing just comes off as something with no passion or life not helped by the mostly lifeless acting or the slow pace. In addition, most of the movie just feels like their following the script of the original almost word for word, just with modern things added in as well as a new opening and more gruesome death scenes.

The only good things to come out of this movie is Julianne Moore’s performance as Margaret White (which, I know I’m in the minority again here, but I prefer to Piper Laurie’s) and it introduced the world to the idea that Portia Doubleday can be a great manipulative “see you next Tuesday” (which is also helped by Mr. Robot) and it was the first movie for Ansel Elgort, who would go on to be Baby Driver, and I guess I can’t fault the movie too much for introducing us to Baby Driver, even if his performance in this movie was flat. Also it gave the world this song:


Likely because it is a remake and it ultimately didn't do anything too different from the original. I'm in the group of people who actually liked it, even though it wasn't needed.


Because the people making this movie treated it as a remake of the 1976 version and not as a re-adaptation of the novel. Say what you will about the 2002 Lifetime version, but at least it tried to be its own version of the novel. There were so many things from the novel they could have included in this movie but didn't in favor of being like the 1976 version.


I loved the original. Cheesy or not. The 70's were cheesy and that is when it was made. The prom scene is so well orchestrated that is almost operatic. Love how DePalma uses the split screen too. I didn't see this because it got bad reviews and read about how poorly directed it was.
