MovieChat Forums > The Immigrant (2014) Discussion > Why was this movie overlooked?

Why was this movie overlooked?

I still haven't seen this movie, cause I didn't get the chance and I wonder why it is getting so little exposure.
The cast has great names and the story sounds intriguing enough. Any comments?



It's Harvey Weinstein's fault! he bought the movie just to make sure that no one would watch it... this is the only explanation for the lack of promotion. When the movie was doing well at the US box-office and the obvious thing to do would give it a wider expansion, he simply removed it from theaters... even Vampire Academy had a better promotion and a more decent release than this movie!

Currently the movie it's available on Netflix (in US).


Probably because it doesn't have explosions and chase scenes. Much of the movie audiences have dumbed themselves down!

But I found it on Netflix streaming movies, see it if you enjoy a good story developed deliberately. And the acting is first-rate.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Unfortunately Netflix is not available in Germany. :(
I am so much looking forward to this one, in fact it was still being shot, when I was already looking forward to it!
Instead cinemas get swamped with the likes of transformers!



The film it's also available for download in Torrent sites, you cand find it on Piratebay and others.


I believe that it is largely as Polly says: it's Harvey Weinstein's doing. The producers and distributors have to push a film for it to rise above the thrash of newly released movies. If Weinstein does not like something about the film - for instance the director - he can crush it. He has that power.



Harvey wanted the ending changed and Gray said no.
When the film was criticized by the UK critics at Cannes, he decided to abandon promotion for the Oscars, which we all know he covets.

a malcontent who knows how to spell


The film is actually well made. Great cinematography and art-direction and for the most part the acting was good. The overall product is nice but when it's all said and done, it falls flat. Disjointed story and extensive scenes of boredom.


It was in fact Harvey Weinstein's fault. The director refused Weinstein's demand to recut the film (specifically to change the ending) and when he refused Weinstein gave the film the minimal release that he was contractually obligated to. two-of-its-best-oscar-prospects
