MovieChat Forums > The Immigrant (2014) Discussion > Why Arent More Women Like This

Why Arent More Women Like This

This character Ewa is such a great female role model. She is a woman who loves her faith, has unyielding devotion to her sister, hard worker. Nothing of this earth can buy her soul. Such a pure and good natured person. Why do people of this variety so rarely exist in the world or on the silver screen for that matter. We need more role models like this for our young people!

I will hold the Christ light for you. One Bread, One Body


Yeah she was great at being the damsel in distress in the whole movie... and no I am not a feminist. Ewa was and utterly boring and unrealistic character and James Gray actually managed to get great actors like Marion Cotillard and Joaquin Phoenix to act quite average.
If you want a strong female character kind a like the role Marion Cotillard was trying to portray I would recommend the polish movie “Ida”.


I agree about IDA. That is a wonderful film. I've now seen it twice, and if you want to see that type of female character, then that is the movie for you.

