MovieChat Forums > Love Lies Bleeding (2024) Discussion > Was really good until the last 5 minutes...

Was really good until the last 5 minutes...

The last 5 minutes were so stupid that it almost ruined the movie for me with how detached and cartoonish it was from the rest of it.


Was it more cartoonish than Ren And Stimpy?


I can see how some people wouldn't care for the ending but I thought it was set up well with how it gradually got more surreal as it went along. Plus the rest of it is so good I don't see how the last five minutes could "ruin" it.



I get it being more surreal, but here having roid rage and turning into a giant was just too silly compared to everything that came before. I also thought the ending scene with the girl who got shot through the face and was still alive after bleeding out for 24 hours was cringy. It felt tacky to end such a brutal and dark movie with a final scene that was just there for a cheap laugh.


Sounds like a Coen-lite move.


You and I are on the same page.


The ending can make or break this film for some. The ending is really a bleak ending for Lou if you look at it.

At the end of the day, she's exactly where her sister Beth was. Way too loved up and stuck in a abusive relationship. At the end she has to clean up the mess of her girlfriend, who's also been abusive to her. While Jackie gets to sleep nicely. Also finds out that Beth didn't give two damns about her, Lou only stayed in that town cause of her.

Surreal stuff with Jackie turning into a giant, is just in Lou's mind. She wants Jackie to save her and be that hero. But in reality Jackie probably didn't do jack shit for her in that moment when it came down to Lou and her father. But Lou is so loved up, she'll never want to see the bad side of Jackie.

Basically she's stuck in a abusive relationship with a steroid abusing, spouse abusing, jealous murderous thug.


I thought the last 20 min was awful. Sorry but green giant over there ruined it for me. It was a great film. Loved the characters, they were credible. It was a dark film with an appeal to keep watching. Then they blew it for me..Killing people left and right. Again the hulk situation, then the surreal scenes at the end..Oh come on, cant we just have nice things?


I agree. It's one thing if the entire movie is Twin Peaks / Mulholland Drive. But it wasn't. The first 95% of the movie was pretty standard plot line stuff. The entire style changed at the end with Giganta showing up. I'm suddenly trying to place symbolism and... ahem... giant metaphors. Very odd.
But aside from that I liked it. It wasn't overly woke. Usually lesbian heroes seem to be Mary Sues who can do no wrong. I liked the steroid angle and the effect it had on the relationship.
I liked the epic fail on assuming the exploding car would burn out overnight. But this movie didn't really pick a lane and stay in it. It went Lord of the Rings meets Pulp Fiction meets Marvel at the end.


Yeah it caught me off guard for sure, but it wasn't meant to be real, i just took it to be all in Lou's head cause she saw Jackie as some kind of super hero like The Hulk, then they go running off in a fantasy like way in the night, then it cuts to reality of them driving in a truck with a dead body in the back. The fantasy of it kind of took Lou out of the dark reality she was in, her mind just wanted to go somewhere happy.

It would be one thing if it was meant to actually be real, then it would be awful, but it wasn't.
