MovieChat Forums > The Neon Demon (2016) Discussion > James Berardinelli's #1 Worst Film Of Th...

James Berardinelli's #1 Worst Film Of The Year

This year, I’m going to do something a little different when singling out my least-liked films of 2016. In addition to providing a traditional “Bottom 5,” all of which are examples of unwatchable horror, I will also highlight five films that, although not as awful as those on the Bottom 5 list (or even a potential Bottom 10 list), have earned my loathing for one reason or another. It may be because I was deeply disappointed in the movie or because it fell considerably short of the hype or simply because it pushed all the wrong buttons. I’ll explain my reasoning for each title. First, though, the Bottom 5 (the usual disclaimers apply about my not having seen everything that qualifies as “bad” etc.).

#5: Collateral Beauty - There were rumors about how shockingly sickening this was long before the first public screenings were held. Sometimes, those sorts of rumors are unfounded. Sadly, not in this case. Collateral Beauty is one of those head-scratchingly bad films that begs the question of how so many high-profile and talented actors could agree to appear in something so godawful. Maybe it looked better on paper or maybe it was eviscerated in the editing room. Whatever the case, don’t be drawn in by all the big names - Will Smith, Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Hellen Mirren, and Kiera Knightley - in the cast. This mawkish miasma of manipulation mandates a “must miss.”

#4: Central Intelligence - One of three so-called “comedies” on the Bottom 5 list. Suffice it to say that The Rock and Kevin Hart (despite certain physical similarities) are not the next coming of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. If I was being generous, I might put this on the low side of the “mediocre” scale (at least it’s not offensive) but nothing about Central Intelligence put me in a generous mood.

#3: How to be Single - Film critics perhaps use the term “forgettable” too often, but it applies in this case. As I looked at my list of low-rated films of 2016, I saw this title and couldn’t remember a thing about it. I had to re-read the review to recall what the movie was about and why I disliked it so much. Then all the unpleasant memories came flooding back. This could possibly flip positions with Central Intelligence but since I at least remembered that movie, How to be Single gets bumped down a slot.

#2: The Brothers Grimsby - Quantum leap down from How to be Single/Central Intelligence/Collateral Beauty. It’s been a while since I accorded a movie with the honor of a half-star rating so, when I doled this out, I felt pretty confident it was headed for the “top” of the Bottom list. Not so fast. Although there’s not a laugh to be found in The Brothers Grimsby (unless you count the end credits) - it’s too busy trying to push the gross-out envelope - it couldn’t manage to be the year’s worst disaster. It reminded me of Freddy Got Fingered, however, which a select group of people may consider to be good enough for a recommendation.

#1: The Neon Demon - What’s rarer than a four-star movie? A zero-star one. I haven’t given one of those out in four years. There was nothing I liked about The Neon Demon. Nothing. I despised every moment of this film and couldn’t wait to escape the confines of the theater. Watching a zero-star movie isn’t fun. It’s not “so bad it’s good.” It’s just bad. I have heard rumors that there are people out there who actually liked this film but I doubt their existence. Like Donald Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States, it doesn’t seem credible.

Now, those other five titles I promised. Interestingly, none of these is an original property - three are sequels, one is a remake, and one is a remake/sequel combo.

Allegiant: Allegiant has earned my ire for three reasons. First, it’s not a very good film - not “get me out of this theater” bad but terribly mediocre and not all that interesting. Second, it’s the latest (and, please god, make it the last) instance of the third book of a trilogy needing (but not really) two movies for the adaptation. Thirdly, the movie was so badly bungled on every level that it appears the only way I’m going to be able to see how it all ends is to watch it on TV with all the major roles recast. Granted, this series has been in freefall but, after sitting through three movies, I feel I deserve a conclusion.

Ice Age: Collision Course: I’ve never been a fan of the Ice Age movies but this one seemed especially onerous to endure. Even the sabretooth squirrel, the best thing about the franchise, seemed tired. I’m not a great lover of mainstream animation and sitting through this one felt like some kind of studio-sponsored torture. The only vaguely satisfying thing about Ice Age: Collision Course is that the public has finally become as bored by these films as I am and I feel relatively confident I won’t have to endure another one.

Independence Day: Resurgence: When you wait two decades for a sequel, you expect something better than this. I thought the original Independence Day was mediocre so it seemed unlikely that the long-gestating follow-up was going to deliver anything memorable. But I wasn’t prepared for this level of epic ineptitude. The core problem is evident: there wasn’t a story. The philosophy seems to have been: get as many actors back as need a paycheck, throw some science fiction-y things on screen, and hope that nobody notices how little sense it all makes. That sounds just about right and explains why this movie pissed me off. Fortunately, Arrival came along a few months later to wash away the bad taste.

The Magnificent Seven: Unnecessary remakes of movies I like always irritate me. Unnecessary remakes of movies I like that defer using an iconic score until the end credits deserve a special place in hell. There wasn’t a thing in The Magnificent Seven that didn’t seem like a distant echo of better material from the ‘60s Western (which was in and of itself an inferior remake of The Seven Samurai) but to blatantly ignore one of the best-ever themes from any movie (until the end credits) is virtually unforgiveable. I doubt a lot of people feel the same way but this movie didn’t just disappoint me; it made me mad.

Star Trek Beyond: Okay, so I gave this **1/2 and that’s probably a fair rating. It’s not all that bad, especially if you’re not a long-time Star Trek fan. But, for me, this is the movie that killed Star Trek (something that had previously survived “Spock’s Brain”, The Final Frontier, Generations, and Nemesis). After this exercise in pointless mediocrity, I no longer have any desire to see any other Star Trek production regardless of whether it’s in movie theaters or on television. I’ll always adore what I have - material that was produced in the first 30 (or so) years of the program’s history. The most shocking thing about Star Trek Beyond is that, on the occasion of the franchise’s 50th anniversary, it managed only the weakest of nods to The Original Series - a publicity photograph from Star Trek V. That’s bullsh*t. The failure to do more felt like a slap in the face. I left this movie sunk in despondence. The body was already cold but, as we all know, it’s very cold in space.

RIP Roger Ebert


You either love it or you hate it. I love it and I know quite a few that do too.


Nothing good? That's pretentious. Cinematography was good, music was good.


you can shoot a pile of *beep* with gorgeous cinematography but it's still gonna be a pile of *beep* :P

altough i do disagre with him i think neon demon definitely falls under the so bad it's good category

i was laughing all the way through it and was thoroughly entertained for all the wrong reasons

i admire NVR for trying something unique, but he just made all the wrong moves in a spectacularly entertaining fashion


He also probably voted for Clinton based on his last statement, so how he feels about credibility is rather irrelevant.

Scathing reviews from pretentious buffoons like this make me love the film even more.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Amen to that. I no longer care about the opinions of these so-called critics anymore. They belong to the MSM which has been completely discredited earlier this year and especially after the elections. Mark my words: the Neon Demon will be considered a cult movie a few years from now.


Love everything about this post! And yes; when idiots like THIS guy rant against a film like "Neon Demon," I too love it all the more. Because anything that can anger a twit like has, has gotta have some special quality. I honestly think that these no-talent slobs get angry when they see something like this film, because they know that they are so incapable of creating something so good.

Fabio Testi is GOD


Same lol. Anyone who couldn't see the writing on the wall isn't very bright. Dunning Kruger effect is in full force with these liberals.


Thanks. I so much value the opinion of James Berardinelli. Typical of film criticism today--don't explain WHY you dislike a film. Just use as much allegedly humorous hyperbole as possible about how bad you think it is.

(I will say though while we'll never know how stupid the people who voted for Clinton are, we'll find out very shortly how stupid the people who voted for Trump are).

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


Who is James Berardinelli? Never mind; i really don't care. I'm assuming he's some moronic movie critic/failed director/embittered writer etc..But if he has rated THIS the "worst film of the year," than i'm assuming he won't be around for too long. If the man is too stupid to appreciate or understand a film like "Neon Demon," you would think he would at least have the good sense to pretend that he liked it...or understood it. So; what was his "best movie" pick? "Birth of A Nation?" Or "Manchester By the Sea?" Hahahahahahahaha...

Fabio Testi is GOD


Dumb review, not to mention there was no need to mention Trump at the end.


This video explains why these butthurt liberals are so annoying:


#1: Arrival: More often than not, first contact science fiction is botched. So when a movie comes along and does it right, making us think about the human ramifications of a “we are not alone” scenario, it’s a reason to be excited. Arrival is such a movie. It’s primarily a character study with a wonderful portrayal by the versatile Amy Adams in the crosshairs. But it’s also science fiction that deals with how we might communicate with aliens (who almost certainly would not speak English). There are also time travel paradoxes and all sorts of other things going on here. Those who equate science fiction with loud action and space ship battles should go to Rogue One instead (which does those things exquisitely well). Arrival is a slow burn movie with an unhurried style that builds tension while occasionally introducing dreamlike interludes. It may not be the best-ever first contact movie but it’s the best film 2016 had to offer.

RIP Roger Ebert


Dear Mr. Berardinelli; McDonald's is currently hiring. You should look into it, because it's most likely the only job you are qualified to do. And if they reject you, (which they very well might) perhaps I can offer you a job...scraping bird poop off my car.

Fabio Testi is GOD


I didn't like this movie either but this comment just makes me think that guy has his head up his ass

I have heard rumors that there are people out there who actually liked this film but I doubt their existence.

What a wanker.


I agree he sounds like a real tosser, I'm not a fan of the whole worst movie of every year thing anyway because essentially it's pointless but this guy just mocks it anyway.

I can't see why there was nothing in here he liked, I just think he set out to hate it on the first place but I would never trust someone this ignorant.


James who?
