MovieChat Forums > Aftersun (2022) Discussion > (Spoilers)... So, that ending....

(Spoilers)... So, that ending....

So did her dad go out after he left her at the airport and then went to a rave and took a load of drugs (a mix of legal and ODing on 'prescription' ones maybe) and died, probably as he had planned to... ?

I found it pretty hard to see what was going on during the strobe scenes, but that is the ending I have come up with.

If so it did seems a bit of an odd way for him to commit suicide...was it an accident (?)...

I really am a bit confused by what happened to him, apart from that he died in Turkey.


We don't know exactly what happens to him after only it's implied that he kills himself.

A lot of the film is the grown up daughter looking back and like us searching for clues and hints from her faded memories of what it could have been. But the strobe scenes are supposed to be her kind of mish mash fantasy/dream/ of where he may have been and her trying to grab hold of him and stop him or save him but sadly he's always just out of reach and the visions of him scattered like a really old memory

Try to imagine someone from your past and its quite hard to 100 percent see them it's tiny flashes that you see so she is putting together the little flashes she remembers with her imagination of him after where she wasn't present as she desperately wants to know why and like we all would think i wish i could of grabbed hold of him and saved him, it's a very sad and cruel memory to have on loop in your mind all of the time.

It's up for debate if it was pre planned that was my thought but a lot of other posters think he was fighting it but succumbed sometime after Sophie went home
Makes rewatches of this film 'better' if you can say that because we as the viewer are very much like adult Sophie in looking for the signs and clues earlier on


I think, as the other poster said, you are taking it too literally.

The rave party seems something imaginary. It's where adult Sophie imagines seeing and saving his father.
Probably also related to how one of the last conversations they had was about drugs and parties.

I can imagine that having your father kill himself is a traumatizing feeling, that you will hold for the rest of your life, something that you'll always think "if I had known, I would do something to prevent this. What could I have done differently? Was part of it my fault?"


I took the rave scenes as a dream Sophie had, because the scene of her sitting up in bed immediately followed one of the rave sequences. Unlike the other rave scenes, that one was accompanied by the sound of panicky breathing. One of the last memories she had of her dad was of dancing together, and he had previously told her that he loved to dance.

In Sophie's dream he was wearing the same clothes as at the airport, suggesting that was the last time she saw him, but I don't think he necessarily died in Turkey. If he hadn't died, they might not have seen each other again until her Christmas break, so I think he could have died weeks or months following the trip.

Calum was reckless with his life at times, such as standing on the balcony railing and crossing the street without looking, right in front of a bus. My hunch is that he did not actively take his own life but instead tempted fate once too often.
