MovieChat Forums > Feud (2017) Discussion > It's obvious Murphy borrowed from...

It's obvious Murphy borrowed from...

...the film "Mommie Dearest". It is a huge cult favorite among gay men and so many things like the sink of ice cubes she emerged her face in, to the staircase in her house, the cleaning, etc.


I agree. I'm just glad I finally know what the liquid is she poured in her ice. For years I just thought it was alcohol but Witch Hazel makes more sense.


I wonder if the writer searched the old IMDB boards and were mislead by an old post of mine??? For I believe this bit of misinformation could be of MY own little doing!

There were many threads about this on the old MOMMIE DEAREST boards, and after ruling out that it was 100 proof vodka -- and that Joanie drank the entire bowl in a shot that was deleted -- I said it was probably an astringent, like witch hazel. (The other obvious option, rubbing alcohol, would be too drying for mature skin.) A few other posters picked this up, and it was repeated when new threads on this VITAL topic would appear.

But then a few years later, someone did a high definition screen capture of where the decanter is opened and poured on the ice, and it is labeled DISTILLED WATER.

It would appear that my five minutes of fame (which begins now) is build upon a LIE!!!!

: o




Well flaunt it all you want because now the world believes it's Witch Hazel thanks to you! 😉


Tho sadly, I don't know that it's the best approach to skin care! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO AMERICA'S SKIN????

I guess the melting ice would dilute it all...but usually you use a pure astringent like witch hazel on one problem spot...not your whole face.

I think maybe I should try to recreate this beauty routine in my own humble little home....and report back? Perhaps it's fine...or even good.

