
I missed the first 10 mins and various other parts of the new episode, Space Colony and didn't even care. I really can't stand the Adam character. He ruins every part he's in and makes it unwatchable for me. Not don't get me wrong, I love the show, I love all the other actors, but just when he is talking that's when I leave the room.
I'm so glad he's not going to be in the new spin off. He is such an idiot that when I watch any part with him talking, I seriously feel myself losing brain cells.
They could of made him funny stupid, but nope. I swear he just gets worse with each new episode. At this point I wonder if it is the character or if the actor himself is just a horrible actor. I can't wait until they kill that character off in the new Lab Rats spinoff


Agreed!! Why couldn't Big D have tweaked him a bit so he wouldn't be so dumb. I know Chase is the smartest person on the planet but why does Adam have to be the dumbest? I couldn't stand the dumb act with him anymore either.


I like the Adam character. I thought he was pretty funny, but he was too old to go to the new show which is a bad show so far. I wish they would have brought Leo and his mother back.


I didn't mind Adam being dumb so much as some of the dumb things the four of them could do on missions. I know they are teenagers but I doubt even the most clueless teenagers would leave their post to have fun at the beach while a solar flare was on a collision course with earth and the possibility of wiping out the human race.
