Side Characters

They has been some side characters added to this series as well as removed.
We haven't seen Douglas or Tasha in the last 5/6 episodes, and they have added Sebastion (he has now gone, so we think) aswell as Spin and Bob. I'm not the biggest fan of Spin but I don't mind Bob. But one thing I noticed is spin and Bob had there own scene, which I'm hoping doesn't continue. These side characters need to blend in the main characters not have there own plot. Does anyone agree with this? And what do people think about Spin?


Personally, I find Spin irritable. And I hope they bring Douglas back. It makes sense to drop some characters, now that they're on the island, but Douglas created bionics; that should be reason enough to need him around.


I think Spin and Bob make a great pair. If they have good chemistry together it doesn't hurt for them to have an occasional scene by themselves.


Acceler8, I agree, they do well together, myself, by themselves they both get a bit irritable.

revenger-3...Sagittarius...half man, half horse.
