MovieChat Forums > Lab Rats (2012) Discussion > Question about Leo ...

Question about Leo ...

When / how did he become bionic?

'Don't worry, don't be nervous. Do what I do, just picture yourself naked.'


Leo get's his Bionics in the Season Three episode "You Posted What?!".

Trying to remember details about the episode so I might leave some stuff out but the gist of it is Krane causes an accident at the school, where at the time, Leo, Douglas, and Perry, I think are trying to locate the "Rats" when they figure out Krane's plans. Leo's injured, especially his arm, and Douglas off-screen, at some point heals/gives Leo a Bionic right-arm.

revenger-3...Sagittarius...half man, half horse.


Thanks! I'll look out for that episode 


You're very welcome! Enjoy the episode, I also wouldn't mind hearing your opinion when you see it!

revenger-3...Sagittarius...half man, half horse.


I'll keep you posted! I was curious in the first place since I caught an episode where Davenport was in the hospital and Leo healed him, I was confused haha.
