MovieChat Forums > Lab Rats (2012) Discussion > Where are they going with this

Where are they going with this

Like with Might Med I have no clue where Disney is going with this show. I don't know if I like the mix of comedy and action. to me the series just doesn't know what it wants to be.


This is something I thought about to recently.

I don't feel like the show knows what it wants to be currently. I think Season One through Two it skated by on the "bionic hijinks" mostly, the kids fitting in and trying to be normal...with touches of action, but this season they've tried upping the action...and story...while keeping the sillier aspects.

I do wonder if they're trying to adjust the show to the actors growing and aging, I think all the guys noticeable aged, which was a topic of discussion on another board I frequent that actually talks Lab Rats...but this season in particular it's noticeable...Spencer and Billy hulked up part way during the season which was commented on again, another forum I frequent.

I haven't seen any of the Season Two Episodes of Mighty Med but recently went through Season One, but one thing I'll give MM over LR is the story. MM had reoccurring story/elements and enemies and expanded upon the mythology over the season, while LR drops an episode or two here and an episode or two there then waits for the finale with the bigger/dramatic story related stuff...I don't like filler but both series offer up their fair share...I still like LR over MM.

I always wonder too...Disney does crossovers for their Disney Channel shows...can we get DXD Lab Rat's/Mighty Med crossover...

revenger-3...Sagittarius...half man, half horse.


Judging from the latest episodes, I'm going to take a guess and say that they are shifting the focus more on their missions, and less on their lives at home/school. That would definitely make the show more action-packed.


All I know is how disappointed I am that Principal Perry is back. I was SO hoping they'd lose her when they switched the show's focus to the Bionic Academy. The writers seem to go out of their way to make her as disgusting as they possibly can, and she doesn't add anything to the show.


All I know is how disappointed I am that Principal Perry is back. I was SO hoping they'd lose her when they switched the show's focus to the Bionic Academy. The writers seem to go out of their way to make her as disgusting as they possibly can, and she doesn't add anything to the show.

Completely agree. I hate the character and as you said, she adds nothing to the show except that she takes time away from the characters I like.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


Something I really liked about this show during the first 3 seasons was that the could have cool action scenes but still go to school and have more comedic scenes. But now at the island I don't see the comedic episodes scenes happening, and it is become more serious. With a disney show you need to make it funny because it is based towards the younger age group. So hopefully during season 4 they can have those fun episodes that aren't so serious.


Oh no, you really haven't been watching then. This season still has its comedic moments...almost too many of them. The problem is they try too hard to be comedic while they're trying to be serious at the same time which ends up killing any tension they build up within the scene.

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Yes it has it's moments, but the episode plots are serious. I'm wanting more light hearted plot points, like in previous seasons.


You're missing my point. It may seem serious now but they ruin all of that within a matter of seconds once they've tried to build up some tension or drama by having Adam or Perry (or the new character, Bob) say something stupid that's suppose to be funny. They can't balance their comedy and drama. It's almost like half of the writing staff is trying to make the show more mature while the other half of the writing staff is trying to make the show funnier than before. Basically, it's a little bit of a mess.

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I don't see the problem at all. Mixing action and comedy is a tried and true formula that has been around forever and it works very well for a kids super hero show like "Lab Rats" or "Mighty Med".

Both shows are still very much silly comedies.

Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid. - SGT Stryker


See, my kids prefer MIGHTY MED over LAB RATS just becuase they find MM funnier. In fact, while Lab Rats is well done and cool, it isn't very funny. Mighty Med has real jokes and punchlines plus my daughter LOVEs Skylar Storm. Both shows are entertaining I just think LR is too straight forward and kinda bland.


I enjoy both shows very much. But I agree that Mighty Med is usually a little bit funnier than Lab Rats.

Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid. - SGT Stryker


Yeah, the actual concept was paper-thin. Keep them out of the lab for a bit, send them to school/real world for a while. That helped, but then they ran out of ideas... due to the bionic 3 are now college age. So instead a HARD-180 like BI, should have done a Saved By The Bell: The College Years. Their exact set of a dorm bedroom/living area , the mansion & a college main lobby hangout like h.s. had. Perry as dean for a nemesis. "HIS Body, HIS Choice!"


At it's core the show was about family...that's the only thing I don't like about BI and the inclusion of students.

Still enjoy the show...though.

On a side note about Mighty Med, I usually hate the too stupid to live characters, but I like and I'll take Kaz's goofy with a stroke of superhero brilliance every now and then over character Adam...or Bob...or Perry... or...

Going back to the family element...where's Tasha? Again, to me the show was better focusing on the family opinion of course...and that includes Tasha, I know she was a character that could go MIA off and one over the series, but come one...

If they really needed a new character(s), I think they should have kept Sebastian and Krane's henchwoman, forget her name...

revenger-3...Sagittarius...half man, half horse.


You mean S-1? Yeah I prefered her over Sebastian.
