MovieChat Forums > Lab Rats (2012) Discussion > Love how this show has evolved

Love how this show has evolved

It's grown from a slightly silly half action half comedy sort of show that is common on Disney XD to a genuinely engaging, plot driven show with reoccurring plot lines and deeper characters. For example, Leo was this lightly annoying, loud character who's role was sort of there for more comic relief and now he's like a genuinely serious, sarcastic more likeable character. Love how this show had developed. Hope it continues to because there's very few shows I can sit down and watch with my little brother that I actually enjoy and this has grown to be one of them. Really love the direction it's taken as of recent.


I agree, especially about Leo, I couldn't STAND him at first, but now he's actually kind of likeable.


I know, and I love how this has developed into almost an espionage/super hero action show, rather than a standard Disney comedy. It's almost getting too good for Disney, in my opinion.


My feelings exactly, I think it's definitely the most intelligent kids show around right now and offers the most gripping story lines. I think this is the first Disney show in a long time that's really grown up over the years.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm 30 years old, and the story lines on this show still hold my interest. Its so good, it almost seems James Bondish at times, and that 1 hour special almost had cinematic quality, I swear.


My feelings exactly, I think it's definitely the most intelligent kids show around right now and offers the most gripping story lines. I think this is the first Disney show in a long time that's really grown up over the years.
I'm sorry, dude. It's great you can sit down with your little brother and enjoy this show. But this show is FAR from intelligent or grown up. It's still a silly kids sitcom. Yeah, Leo was more annoying in the beginning but he's only gotten less annoying and not entirely. He wanted to be part of the team so Davenport brought him on, then he wanted to be part of missions then Davenport let him help him, and then he wants bionics. Leo is STILL annoying. He's never really stopped. Then you have other stupid things like how Adam went from an idiot to a dumb douchebag, the annoying principal find out their secret then being part of the show more than she needed to be, now Leo AND Davenport are part of the team on missions with the "rats", and why the hell is the character (Brie) whose super power is super speed now always wearing high heels? What sense does that make? Then you have these specials where they're just ripping from every comic book cliche like last one with the super soldiers (Captain America/Iron Man 3) and now the next one they're doing a "bionic island" with a little school of super kids (X-Men)? The show isn't as good as any of you proclaim it to be. It's actually jumped the shark and gone more over the top than it was originally. Others have pointed out how it seems like they have no idea what direction they want the show to go in. The only thing is you enjoy it and that's it. Don't have to falsely justify it.

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This show went down rapidly the moment they decided to stop focusing on the kids with normal teenage problems trying to fit in with their powers (that everyone can relate to), to this stupid over-the-top superhero crap (that only a few people can look up to).

The characters are all no longer relatable, and the storylines are increasingly stupid and full of pointless exposition to try and justify them. It's like they're trying to launch a new toy line.

Wizards of Waverly Place proved you can be stupid and over-the-top but still root your drama and comedy in human issues. Lab Rats now takes itself WAY too seriously. Everyone is always pausing for some supposedly dramatic piece of dialogue (and then they try to have Adam say something stupid at the end to undercut how ridiculous the dialogue sounds). But it's become a tired cliche already.

I guess all the good writers have go over to Mighty Med. They have stupid over-the-top storylines there too, but they balance it with genuine humour (not tired character one-liners) and stories grounded in real experience.
