MovieChat Forums > Lab Rats (2012) Discussion > Does Leo see the bionics as his siblings...

Does Leo see the bionics as his siblings or just friends?

I'm a bit confused, I just started watching this on netflix and I see online that they refer to each other as siblings but while watching the show, they just seem to appear as friends. Does their relationship mature into a sibling like ordeal or are people online just overstating their relationship?


In the second part of the season 3 premiere "Sink or Swim" Leo calls Chase his brother; I'm sure there are other examples, but that's the first one I thought of. They are definitely siblings, although Leo's relationship to the others is a bit different than their relationship to each other as he did not grow up together with them; he is definitely more their step-brother, but they clearly consider him a sibling and vice versa. Keep watching; you won't be sorry! :D

"Fish on Fridays! And human flesh the rest of the week!"


I agree with britta-andrews…although I was going to point out…initially, from the pilot episode, Leo called them his friends---when they were going to be sent away, I think Tasha wanted them out during the pilot…but as the series evolved, I think they've (the writers/writing) have evolved the relationship pretty well into a strong sibling level, with britta providing a great example.


Yeah, I just got finish catching up to the full series and yeah the relationship they have is very strange. I definitely think Leo see's them all as their siblings now, but vice versa is a case by case scenario. For example, Adam by far consider's him his brother as he's referenced Leo as his brother numerous times, (and appears extremely protective of him, telling a villain to stay away from his brother while referring to Leo) Chase and Bree is more debateable though. That's not to say they don't get along though, as to be honest the closest relationship I've seen (where there's very little bickering involved) is between Bree and Leo. But I've can't recall Bree calling Leo her brother for example, and I just watched all the episodes in a span of 5 days so my memory's pretty fresh lol.

For example, the episode where bree wanted to get a job, one of her primary reasons for wanting the job was to get away from her brothers who were pranking on her, but Leo wasn't involved in any of the pranking nor to my knowledge perform pranks on her, it was just Adam and Chase. Now Leo has called her his sister in reference to the whole fly cheating episode, but I can't recall the opposite. So in my eyes, they appear more like close friends than siblings.

Chase appears more like a sibling than Bree, but not as much as Adam as Chase treats Leo like he treats the other two, so it's not like Bree who treats Leo completely different than she treats Adam and Chase.

So I'd wager it's a case by case scenario. Adam and Leo definitely appears as siblings, with Adam being the almost overprotective big brother at times. Chase mostly treats him like a brother as well but Bree seems to treat him more like a close friend.


I know this is about Leo and his relationship to the others but I do see things a bit differently---I agree with a good amount of what you posted:

I feel like the sibling relationships are split in two now that I think about it.

Thinking about is…Leo and Adam have the strongest sibling relationship. You gave some good examples defining the Leo and Adam relationship.

Looking at the Tech-Town job…I really think a relationship between Bree and Chase was developed. It also seems like something for Bree to do. Compared to the boys, I think Bree is just so underdeveloped she hasn't been given a chance to have a sibling like relationship with Leo. The stories are more themed around the guys with Bree in a more supporting role…my opinion of course…I think in a way Tech-Town was a way to give her something to do on hew own…or with Chase as we've seen.

I feel like Chase is the outsider of the group. I agree that Bree and Leo are more friends than sibling---which I chalk up to Bree being the least developed/used outside of Tech-Town…but Chase just has a raw deal with in the group. He's the butt of Leo, Adam, and Davenport's jokes and pranks…a reoccurring thing has been Leo, Adam, and Bree pointing out repeatedly how nobody likes him at home or school…or just going out of their way to put him down…

SO basically we have a Adam/Leo sibling relationship, a Bree/Chase sibling relationship.

In the end:
Adam has the strongest ties to Leo and the others..
Bree has a loose connection to everyone.
Chase is a ? for me. He has moments with the Leo and the siblings but they are out shined by him being the butt of jokes and humor of the siblings and Davenport.


Hmm, I do agree a lot of the problem has to deal with Bree being under developed, but also alot of the issue has to deal with the storyline of Bree not wanting to be associated with her brothers in the slightest. Most of her jokes has been about how she can be completely separated from Chase and Bree. Most of Chase and Bree's comments have been about how Bree wanted to hang out with friends and boyfriends and not be with her brother, from the time Bree lied to Chase about hanging out with him just to hang out with friends, to her taking up a job at a tech place so she could be away from all the pranks, most of her existance is wanting to set her own path, in comparison to the brothers who actually appear to enjoy being siblings with one another.

As for Chase, I don't believe Leo actually contributes much to the pranking to be honest. He might smile when Adam toss a small man or lame joke towards Chase, but he's not like Adam who throws him everywhere or does all different types of pranks. To be honest, Leo isn't much of the prankster, which is possibly largely due to the fact that he was constantly getting picked on himself by the the football guy. But I definitely believe that in regards to Bree and Adam, Chase gets extremely picked on. However Chase performs unnecessary pranks on Bree so I guess you can say it's an eye for an eye. But to be honest, I have to say the 2nd and 3rd season they have amped up the pranks and butt of jokes issue 10 fold in comparison to the first season. They barely seem to get along with each other now. The first season they at least seemed like they care about each other a lot more.
