episode help please

I heard on a message board that there is an episode of this show where they make comments or a joke or something about incontinence products, and those that mentioned it seems to think its insulting, id like to see for myself, could someone tell me the episode name or names involved in this? id like to know what the context of this for myself instead of just taking someones word for it.

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me


It is in Death Spiral Smackdown. Leo's friend says that he is planning on wearing a full body diaper for the challenge. I can't remember the whole line exactly, so I won't try and quote it. I did not think anything of it, however; it seems odd to think that someone took offense at what struck me as a completely innocent joke.


well I can see why, he is incontinent, I have some minor issues myself(old childhood problems that still come back once in awhile), and we don't know how EVERYTHING in his life is, but if he as anyone like one of my older sisters it would make that line a bit more insulting

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me


Actually, the character was not incontinent at all; his "full body diaper" idea was just because he was going to get beat up in the Death Spiral Smackdown. So it was not a joke involving an incontinent person or any kind of chronic condition; it was a joke about a nerdy weakling being afraid of getting beat up. No reason for offense, imo; I don't think anyone considers it particularly unusual or embarrassing to be scared of a beatdown, especailly by a person twice your size, haha


what I meant was my online friend is incontinent, not the character.

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me
