MovieChat Forums > Lab Rats (2012) Discussion > Leo vs Evil discussion (spoilers)

Leo vs Evil discussion (spoilers)

This would be a spoiler for those who haven't seen the episode yet...

Overall, I'd give the episode a solid B. It was a nice mixture of Leo having his own thing while the the Lab Rats were hanging out with Davenport. I also like the fact that the show is able to utilize Tasha more now that the actress is no longer pregnant :-) plus we got an appearance by Eddy and his endless dislike of Tasha which is always fun.

Eddy: "She's hideously deformed...look away--look away!!"

Adam got to be the smart one for once but I did laugh when Bree called him "Meatball" Did anybody else pick up on Adam referring to Tasha as "Mom". I also like Chase using Davenport's mannerism--the little yelp when the watermelon had its guts turned inside out was so Donald Davenport.

And we finally getting some movement (story-wise) with the whole Marcus/Dad/Capture the Lab Rats story PLUS I loved the end when Davenport hung back and noticed the surveillance camera hidden in the little birdhouse. btw, Marcus the Davenports lair is still cooler than yours.

And they finally revealed Marcus's Dad/Boss but we still don't know his connection to Davenport and/or the Lab Rats.


Yeah it was a good episode. Adam making the call to Tasha was actually a good idea,but I can see why they thought she was a goner though. And the ending was very good. Can'twait to see where it goes.


We do need a showdown episode. I am not really a fan of this series. It seemed to me they just through in the whole Marcus story arc just to jump the shark.


Clearly the Marcus storyline is the main story of the season but it throws me off when they'll have a Marcus episode and then it seems dropped for like 4-5 episodes.

Like in this episode, Marcus's dad (whoever he is) makes the comment "I hope they enjoy their last night as a family because it will be their last" and the following week we get a non-Marcus episode and from what I've read the next two episodes after that don't seem to be Marcus related either.

Plus, again, the kids are coming off bratty and annoying again.


Unfortunately, the episodes were not shown in shooting order; hence the ominous comment followed by an episode that had nothing to do with it. Bionic Showdown directly followed Leo vs. Evil as they were written/filmed. It's not the first show I've seen messed up by some dumb episode airing decisions *cough* Firefly *cough cough*
