
So when the show started, Leo was 14. How old r Adam, Bree and Cause supposed to be?

In Trucked Out, Adam must be 16 since he got his license. That was season 2 and aired June 2013. How old r Bree and Chase?


Well Adam's the oldest, Bree's second and Chase is the youngest. There's supposed to be about a year between them each, Bree mentions being sixteen in the most recent episode so if she's sixteen, then Adam is presumably seventeen and Chase is fifteen.


My understanding is that they are all one year apart, starting with Leo and working up from there. So in the first season, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Which means Adam didn't get his license until he was 18, I guess. Of course, I didn't get mine until I was 20 (nothing to drive, so no point).
