MovieChat Forums > Lab Rats (2012) Discussion > Huge Flaws in Doug's Evil Plan!

Huge Flaws in Doug's Evil Plan!

There seems to be some huge holes in Douglas’s evil plan. We all know his plan was to have Marcus gain the Davenport’s trust and then capture Adam, Bree, and Chase. Douglas would then use the Triton App on the trio and make them his drones.

The way he went about doing all this however was really dumb.

Let’s start from the beginning when the trio first meet Marcus. Marcus wanted to form a band with Adam and Chase. He recommends that they practice at Adam and Chase’s house. WHY? All he had to do was say “Hey guys let’s practice at my house.” Then Douglas could easily capture the two, and use them as bate to lure Donald and Bree to him. Once they were all captured, he could have activated the Triton App. GAME OVER!

You could say, “Well maybe Marcus wanted to practice at their house so he could confirm that these kids were, in-fact Donald‘s kids.” Well guess what? He did meet Donald in that same episode. So there, he has proof that these teens are the ones he is looking for.........and yet Douglas doesn’t really do anything until “Bionic Showdown”. WHY?

From the episode Band in a Can ALONE Douglas knows for a fact....
...that Donald’s kids are actually his
...where Donald lives
...that Marcus could easily “invite them over”

Not only that but why didn’t Douglas just give Marcus the remote for the Triton App and just have him activate it when he’s “hanging out with them.”

This is the part where you could point out how Donald installed something that blocks the Triton app. However this would only be a MINER setback.

Like I said Marcus could just randomly try to activate it while he’s around the trio....... and if nothing happens,....well nothing happens. All he would have to do is tell Douglas that it didn’t work. Douglas would assume something was blocking the Triton App and then find a way around it (like he did in Bionic Showdown Part 2) and then have Marcus try again. Again GAME OVER!

I always wondered why Douglas waited.....and waited. What was he waiting for? At the end of Leo vs Evil he says, "I hope they enjoy their night together. It's gonna be their last". What makes that day any different from any other day? He could have gone through with his plan yesterday or the day before that,....or the day before that. It would have made no difference.

What do you all think? Questions? Thoughts? Concerns?

Am I missing anything? Seriously, let me know if I am.


I think Douglas wanted to get a better idea of what Donald had, before he tried to retake them. Hence why he had Marcus to install the camera in his lab. After he's clearly been planning this for a long time, he probably didn't want to jump into the plan, until he was certain it would work, as if anything went wrong it would lead to years of work failing.

Why he didn't just give it to Marcus and remotely enslave them, presumably he didn't want to draw attention to the fact. After its the sort of thing you would want to keep secret.

Not to mention I got the feeling there was a huge amount of ego involved in his plan, he wanted a chance to be able to brag about his deals, especially with his brother. Douglas is clearly an egomaniac, and people like that often can't resist bragging about how great they are.

Plus I don't think we should really criticise his plan, despite so many things that he couldn't have anticipated happen, it still would have worked, he only failed because he never took into account how much Adam loved Leo, something we can't blame him for.


Thanks for the reply. Your response was very well thought out. I'm a little late, I know. Sorry about that. I haven't been on imdb for a while.


I think that douglas didn't want marcus carrying the triton app because well if marcus pushed it then Donald or mr davenport would notice something I mean mr davenport ain't foolish to notice something happen to adam,bree and chase . I mean he did mention his brother in a episode I've forget the name so he would suspect that marcus is douglas creation and sent marcus to push the the triton app and then adam,bree and chase would be douglas minions so a win for douglas and lose for Donald . I think douglas wanted to take his revenge slowly so no one would suspect anything and he would get away with it.
