Would you rather?

Would you rather not bathe for a whole year or have no access to the Internet for a whole year?

Answer the question, and then ask one for someone else to answer.


Would you rather not bathe for a whole year or have no access to the Internet for a whole year?

Answer the question, and then ask one for someone else to answer.

It would be tough not to have Internet access for a year, but there's no way I'm not bathing!

Would you rather eat your favorite meal every day for dinner or never eat your favorite meal again?


Since it seems not many people are posting, I'll reply.

This one is easy, I'd rather never eat my favorite meal. Sure, I'd miss it, but there are so many other food choices that are almost as good. To eat the same thing every night would be a nightmare. No matter how good it is, I quickly tire of it, and struggle with leftovers.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?


I'd rather be deaf.

Would you rather be trapped in a room and the only way you could leave was to gouge out both eyes or agree to have both of your legs and arms amputated? Lol


I would rather gouge out my eyes.

Would you rather eat only tofu for a year or urinate/deficate outside (no toilets) for a year.


I'd rather use the great outdoors as a loo (having lived in a bus for two years, I can dig a mean latrine!)
Would you rather...drink a pint of vodka or drink a pint of pi$$?!
(&yes, I've done one of these as well!)


Vodka even though I'd most likely throw up for hours after...

Would you rather have sex with both of your parents for a night or have to watch them have sex every night for a year? LOL


I would rather erase this movie off my mind. And the no internet is the obvious answer, not bathing is too unhealthy.


Okay -- I'll get the game back on track.

The last one was have sex with both of your parents or watch them have sex every night for one year ...

Well, my mom and dad are both 82 now and they probably haven't had sex since the early 80s (divorced in 1982) so watching them try to have sex every night for a year would be torturous on so many levels. Having sex with them both for a night? Together or separate? Either way would be totally gag-worthy but it's what I'd choose if I had to.

Now ...

Would you rather have your lips sewn to someone's anus for one day (full 24 hours) or have your arms and legs broken and set without anesthesia?
