MovieChat Forums > Would You Rather (2019) Discussion > Why did they choose to open the envelope...

Why did they choose to open the envelopes?

This was the least realistic thing to me. Two minutes under water is pretty bad, but I can't fathom I would have picked an unknown torture over that.

Considering the first guy DIED, the second guy lost an eye, and the third girl lived and was not maimed by choosing the water, why did any of these people choose to open the envelope? Not one instance was choosing the envelope a good move.

What would you have chosen?


Lambrick did say some of the envelops might contain something easy.

Maybe they were gambling on getting something not as bad as drowning.

I would've taken the barrel of water.

You are sin.


I would have opened the envelope. There's no way I could hold my breath for two minutes.

Although I'm not sure why the first guy died. So he got half of his hand blown off... you can live through that.


I think we're supposed to consider him being an unhealthy guy under a lot of stress already, then going into shock and having a heart attack. But I agree, there was a lot of ways he could have died. That was kind of lame.


I'd have to take the envelope. There's no way I could hold my breath that long without passing out and drowning. It's basically something horrible or death.


It was sort of neat the way they did the flashbacks with Iris while she was being held under. I definitely would have chosen the barrel, but I've always been a strong swimmer and good with that kind of stuff (scuba diver too).

Iris' punishment from the card would have been having all her teeth extracted (ugh!) but it would make you wonder how Bevins would have done that had she chosen the card. She would have to be seated with someone holding her down and another person forcing her jaw open while Bevins used his wrench or whatever.
