My Review ...

of the trailer:

CIA has to get some crusty tough guy out of retirement
to beat up bad guys. -snore- -snore-

Crusty agent must team up with sexy woman for cliche jokes and sexual tension. Screeching tires and explosions along the way.

Cheap effects, comic book story ... in the worst sense.

Seems really horrible


Means, you know nothing but of that a lot. 🥱​


Sorry, I don't speak whatever that is.


Yea, no idea what the hell that person said, but your review was spot on. I like Aaron, but this movie was complete color by number. Nobody really seemed to be into what they were doing.

Those pics alone that she is looking at on the plane ride? Looked like something my family could of (could HAVE as the MAGAT butt-plug pointed out was wrong) done in the back yard with a Polaroid and some paint.


"Could of"? SMH


Please DO! Really hard.


Illiteracy is real.


It was just okay.
