Awwwww, no EPIRB?

Every single-handed sailor seeking solitude, and an ultimate test of himself against the elements using only skill, wit, intellect, and maturity will of course take along a device to summon help when things get too scary.

I think they call this the 'run home to mama'.

If you go in the drink out there, or you're attacked by a grizzly out there, or a really harsh cold front blows through, or you snap a leg in a slip and fall, or you run out of food or water, then you're dead--EPIRB or no EPIRB.

I'm surprised to read replies from self-professed 'pro' and 'knowledgeable' sailors who suggest a beacon would have helped the protagonist. An EPIRB would help 'rescuers' rescue the body. That's why no EPIRB.


EPIRBS have saved huge numbers of people. These things can be tripped in situations short of actually sinking and will trip aotomatically if the vessel sinks. Going out without one is nuts.


Agreed. ResQ-Link FTW!
