MovieChat Forums > Banshee (2013) Discussion > Best Action TV Show ever !

Best Action TV Show ever !

Very unique, amazing characters. Yes season 4 wasn't as strong but still good

Also Antony Starr asking for less fight scenes hurt season 4

Still i could watch many more seasons of this show


I love this show to pieces and it will always be my favorite. I find myself constantly re-watching the series or at least a few episodes a week.

Amazingly written characters, entertaining and engaging stories, great action sequences and the cinematography is top notch.

It all turns out to be basically one huge action anthology.

I still think the final season was just as good as the rest of the series with the exception that it had a different atmosphere and a darker tone and I guess it didn't mesh well with some. The only part I would have changed was the serial killer plot which would have had amazing potential if it wasn't done in the last season and the killer ended up being someone we hadn't just met and we actually cared about.


Spartacus and Strike Back were superior action shows IMO. Strike Back did lack a bit in the writing department but made up for it with its ferocious action scenes.


Spartacus and Strike Back were superior action shows IMO. Strike Back did lack a bit in the writing department but made up for it with its ferocious action scenes.

The prospect of Strike Back being a superior action show makes me laugh until I cry.


Spartacus, much as I like it, was "300." Banshee was cut from new cloth. It was brutal and inspired. Spartacus, especially in the beginning, used a stylized violence that made battle look glamorous. Banshee's violence was brutal, ugly and real.
