MovieChat Forums > Banshee (2013) Discussion > Cult classic! Great R-rated fun.

Cult classic! Great R-rated fun.

Man I loved this show. It took awhile to shake out a few average sub-stories (the Moody Boys, the rave party, and the biker gang), but the totality of the show is outstanding.

Everyone is a bad ass. Fight scenes are A++. The women are A++. And there's actual texture and character development that carries it across multiple seasons of entertainment.


The amount of organized crime in a small town started to look ridiculous, but loved every minute of it. It never seized to surprise, totally did not see Burton turning out to be the killer.




What the hell happened to literacy?


Couldn't agree more, watched it three times and started watching it for the fourth a while ago, it really is that damn good.


And there's actual texture and character development that carries it across multiple seasons of entertainment.

Yeah, as much as I loved all the action, that's where it really delivered for me. There's an interview with Antony Starr where he says (I'm paraphrasing), that the show is as shallow or as deep as you want to make it, because if you're willing to look, it's there.

It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.


Well to be fair, the sub stories all seemed to be in the first season. At least to me, it seems like this happens with most shows. Especially since the first season is the show finding it's own identity and writing style, setting up the rest of the series and everything else.


The women are A++

Tell me about it: (check out the cover)
