pointless rubbish

I should have known when I saw the words "Black comedy". The whole original concept of black comedies has gone out of the window lately only to be replaced by extreme bad language and shocking gore which some deluded people find funny. The majority of people do not find this rubbish funny, myself included.
I see that UK lottery money was spent in the making of this film. Money that could have been much better spent on more worthy causes. No wonder that the UK is going downhill when trash like this is put out there. I'm sure there are a few people out there who saw this now think its ok to kill people, in fact it would be funny! Upon watching the documentary extra I was disturbed to see that even the people behind the camera believed they were making something good. Let me get something straight. There is nothing funny about murder. There is far too much of it in the world and its not a laughing matter. I'm not a naive person, if showing harrowing scenes in films conveys a message that the act is wrong then fine. But this film just seemed to glory in two quiet and shy people enjoying murdering people and that for me is wrong. That is my opinion and I'm entitled to it.


So, just to recap - you disapproved of this film, it didn't appeal to your specific sense of humour and you seem to be under the misapprehension that people are easily influenced by something of this nature into committing acts of murder?

Just so you are aware - this type of comedy has existed for centuries and many people find it amusing; just because you happen not to it doesn't give you grounds to comment on behalf of your imagined "majority".

If you truly believe that something such as a film is capable of turning the average individual into some kind of murderous psychopath then you are deluded and should probably read into case studies and hard evidence. There are far more contributing factors to the makings of a killer than something such as a work of fiction; environment, psychological condition, familial background, emotional state and the specific circumstances pertaining to the possible crime.

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not however, entitled to make assumptions on what some imagined "majority" find funny.

In my opinion you come across as some anally retentive Daily Mail reader who is missing the point entirely and feels that it is their responsibility to pass comment on something that really should pale into insignificance in the grand scheme of things. You probably also think that listening to heavy metal music makes killers and influences the listener to commit murder and/or suicide.

Where is everybody?


The majority of people do not find this rubbish funny, myself included.

What else is the majority thinking? 
We've met before, haven't we?


That he should probably pull his head from his arse long enough to stop talking $hit. ;)

That's what the voices in my head tell me, anyhow.



'Pointless rubbish' Careful I think you're just the type of guy Chris would like to kill.
