fun and funny

Really liked this movie, it was completely batshet insane but hilarious as well.

Looking forward to more movies like this, awesome new director

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What I loved about it was the ending... I thought he was the evil one all along, but at the bridge, it would seem she was a bit darker in letting go of him. Or are we meant to think that she did it because she thought he was evil and didn't want to do what he was doing anymore.

I'm not sure now.

Mary Kay Letournover's: using under-ripe apples for maximum freshness since 1997


I agree that she, by the end of the film, was a lot darker and possibly more evil then him. I think she would have happily lived with him as a pair of serial killers.

I'm not trying to break your heart,
I'm just trying hard not to fall apart



I always thought a cool scene at the end would be if we saw tina go home into her bedroom pulled out a note book with a load of mens names in it crossed out and at the very end is chris's name which tina then goes to cross out before the credits roll, suggesting tina was in fact a killer all along and chris was just her latest victim


If this is comedy it is as dark as it gets. I knew nothing about it before watching it and had assumed it was comedy. I didn't find it at all funny but I'm glad I knew nothing beforehand because I was disturbingly drawn in by the unexpected shocking violence. For me, this film is a brilliantly updated Bonnie and Clyde. I will watch the development of Ben Wheatley with interest.


Some parts were hilarious. But, overall, I didn't like the dark tone. Some dark stuff can make me laugh guiltily. But this was a a bit too creepy for me.


When she bought that giant pencil I began to suspect the end was nigh for Chris, that whole business with the Carapod was very funny too...


I loved it. Crazy fun.



I loved this film and was suprised to read all of he negative comments on this board...
Ben Wheatleys track record is pretty good since although I'm not sold on a Field In England..Kill List was a stellar film....
Gonna be looking forward to see what he does next..
