MovieChat Forums > The Great Wall (2017) Discussion > Just so you know: the Chinese didn't giv...

Just so you know: the Chinese didn't give two farts about "The Wall(s)"

A modicum of cursory research into the history of the famed "Great Walls" ― the third (or forth... I forget) of which (Ming Dynasty) is the latest and smallest of those made, and is being depicted here, I believe ― and you'll soon see that the Chinese didn't give a squirt of piss about those crumbling, abandoned walls that they expended a human life per meter to build... u n t i l European explorers came and marvelled at their immensity.

So, effectively, these walls are just another case ― perhaps the archetypal case, in fact ― of the Chinese wanting desperately to impress outsiders with something that was otherwise perfunctory (if not disdained) by their own selves.

The reason I bring this up, is because I can see all the self-hating "white" / Sino shill threads polluting this board ― as seems obligatory nowadays, for any film that does not have ethnically accurate casting ― crying "MUH WHITE-WASHING!!". That is to say, this film is literally made for the laowai, and not necessarily for Chinese domestic consumption per se.

Moreover, anyone who knows anything about China's agenda to push its culture (and communist, political propaganda) into the wider world, will know films like these are just another avenue through which they enacting this 'soft power push'. They're even building movie studios (and theme parks) around the world to promote more 'China sympathetic' films to be made; not to mention, one on their mainland that is touted as being bigger than anything Hollywood has to offer.

So, to all your iZombie, over-tanned, melanoma Petri dishes out there, trying ever so hard to 'unwhite' yourselves, perhaps check your retardation at the cinema door and realise that films like this are primarily designed to obtrude Chinese rhetoric into Western societies, and that the non Chinese actors are deliberately chosen in order to attract non Chinese viewers. As is indeed true for counterpart Western films, such as Star Wars: Rogue One.


Piss off, Trump scum.


But the wall just like the roman walls of similar type was useful. Yes, it did not prevent major invasions, but it did prevent raiding incursions into China, so that the land all the way up to the wall could be used for agriculture and other activity. In Russia in the late middle ages you got large areas almost unused for agriculture because constant raiding made it to dangerous. The wall worked against that.
