Triggered white boys

coming out of the woodwork to defend their boy Matt 'The Gimp' Scammon. Look at that lame ponytail LMAO. Who does he think he is trying to rock a top knot? 😀


If it isn't the pathetic ass racist troll. Still keeping up the good fight against the white devils I see. It really must suck for you to see a white guy playing in a Chinese movie. I bet it keeps you up at night crying. You are pathetic. Grow up.


How's your Sunday afternoon going? You seem a bit mad. Did I strike a nerve?


I can't imagine anyone being that much in love with Matt Damon they couldn't fault that hair.

Knock-off try-hard Witcher clone.


Movie was made by Chineese.


Movie was written by Hollywood. Chinese helped produce it, but it's Hollywood's story they're bankrolling.


Hollywood gets a story about a white boy, China gets its historical violence mythicized.



