MovieChat Forums > Holy Motors (2012) Discussion > Holy Motors vs. Inland Empire

Holy Motors vs. Inland Empire

These films have similar styles, and touch upon similar themes of identity, acting and self.

Haven't seen Inland Empire for a while, but it generally had a similar plot involving an actress who ends up becoming 2-3 other people and being submerged in her roles.

When I saw the scene with the chimpanzee family, I was almost immediately reminded of the scenes from the rabbit family sitcom in Inland Empire.

Contemplate this on The Tree of Woe.


I love INLAND EMPIRE, but Holy Motors nearly put me to sleep.



If I sleep through films it's because I'm tired, but thankfully I had gotten enough rest before each of them..

"Holy Motors": 7/10 stars.
"Inland Empire": 7/10 stars.

So it's pretty much a tossup for me, though I'm more anxious to watch "Inland Empire" again so i'll go with that. I'm still not sure what to make of either, but I'm OK with that.


Inland Empire had a style.
Holy Motors is just stravaganza.


Not only that but the sign for Holy Motors looks a lot like the font of Twin Peaks and that had doppelgängers in it.

Holy Motors has a lot in common with David Lynch in general. But I can see the Inland Empire similairities. Like it opens with a woman watching a film, where HM opens with a crowd watching a film.

They both have surreal moments, like talking rabbits of one and the talking cars of the other. Not to mention what you said about an actor acting different roles and not knowing which one, if any, is the true one.

And they both have random musical Kylie in HM and the Locomotion one in Inland...and gasp, Kylie did a cover of that song! See, they are related after all! :)


David Lynch is my favorite director, but I'm also a big fan of art films and french films.

Therefore I was expecting to really enjoy Holy Motors. Unfortunately, I just wasn't into it, and when the strange homeless guy started chewing on Eva Mendez hair I just shut it off.

I do plan on finishing it at some point and giving it a second try, but IDK.

The difference with David Lynch films, at least for me, is Lynch's weirdness still has an emotional impact on me. Even when I don't understand what's happening, I still feel connected to the story and I still feel strong genuine emotions. This wasn't the case with Holy Motors. I felt disconnected and emotionless, so there was nothing to hold my attention and keep me watching.


Except that Holy Motors is you know... watchable.

After watching and reading a lot about David Lynch specially the origin of Mulholland Drive I find that I can't trust his work. There's no sincerity in his madness. It's all for tricks.


HM features several chapters/scenarios that haven't got anything to do with each other while IE presents shattered reflections of the same story and has a narrative that is entirely interconnected... which is itself a phenomenally ingenious feat to pull off for one thing. That IE is aesthetically more impressive goes without saying.

Actually, I'm still not entirely sure what to think of HM.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


It's been couple of years since I last saw Inland Empire. Holy Motors has been one of those films I so badly wanted to see, but somehow always missed it. All those years. Finally saw it and loved it from the first scene. Definitely need to watch it again. Somehow Holy Motors reminded Inland Empire (not my most favorite from Lynch). Going to watch it soon again. Maybe back to back with Holy Motors.


Holy Motors was sort of entertaining while Inland Empire is one of the biggest piles of shit I've ever seen.


There were parts of each movie I liked, but neither one was satisfying as a whole. Inland Empire is my least favorite Lynch film, btw.
