God Awful!

Opening scene with the shootout already told me this movie was going to be bad. A hit man who wears a red nose that can't properly hold a pistol and hiding under a table and trained mercenaries can't kill him even though armed with assault rifles. Such a stupid movie.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


It's supposed to be a fun cheesy romcom action movie. No one set out for this to be the next "Saving Private Ryan". When was the last time you remember having fun?


But it wasn't funny.

The director thought it would be funny because it's maddeningly stupid.


That's subjective. I didn't cry from laughing but I had a few good chuckles and a giggle or two. I've definitely seen far worse movies.


The scenes with Ana Kendrick attempting humor made me cringe. Especially the closet drunk scene, I almost had to stop watching it was so bad.


"The scenes with Ana Kendrick attempting humor made me cringe. Especially the closet drunk scene, I almost had to stop watching it was so bad."

Oh man I agree. She was the worst.The gun crap didn't bother me.I like Sam R and Tim R also. But her? Eugchhhh


Based on your comments, you may just be too sane to enjoy this movie. This is the kind of movie that is best watched slightly insane. If you consider yourself to be a normal, healthy person, then this movie is not gonna appeal to you.

This a movie for the lightly demented. Best to move on.


I agree, plus, it's completely over the top on purpose.



I agree with drl136us, it's a good movie for the lightly demented. I had a few WTF? moments before I let it go and went with it, at which point I really enjoyed it.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


ROFL, totally agree. Just watched this on Netflix, and really enjoyed it. You really did have to let go of any sense of reality to enjoy, but once you do that, it's a pretty fun ride. ;) I was a little creeped out by the age difference between Sam and Anna, but just rolled with it.


What a stupid post.

Oskars problem with Eli is not her ambiguous gender, but her ambiguous humanity.


you suck at the internet.


You know I don't think I can think of any movies that actually get gun fights right. In real life you don't just fall down dead from being shot, even a head shot doesn't mean that the person can't get off a few more shots, and when was the last time you heard people moaning in pain or crying for their momma because they knew they were dying... or seeing them crap their pants when they die, or just quiver and have muscle contractions when they are about to die... The reality is movies never do things quite right when it comes to gun fights so either don't go to any movie that has them or just accept that they are meant for entertainment not for a true slice of reality.


Lone Survivor and American Sniper really had the gun mechanics down pretty well that I can think off on the top of my head. But since the guy was suppose to be an assassin, it's idiotic that he couldn't even hold a gun properly. It's just a pet peeve of mine as a recreational shooter to see how awful Hollywood is when it comes to guns in movies.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


You should get out of your basement sometime, maybe try getting laid, and then you wouldn't be such an uptight, bitter fvckwit.


Typical response from a little boy. I bet I can get more ass that you any day of the week. Nice try at the insults though, you almost offended me, not.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


Would you like a tissue?


Uh, lighten up, Francis. IT IS A FILM, not a war. You wanna fight so bad? You should have been in Nam with us killing hundreds a day.

Or, instead of being a martial arts pussy ass join the service and actually KILL people. NOW you are happy, right?

Someone get this guy an appointment at the hospital before he snaps.


Opening scene with the shootout already told me this movie was going to be bad. A hit man who wears a red nose that can't properly hold a pistol and hiding under a table and trained mercenaries can't kill him even though armed with assault rifles. Such a stupid movie.

Wow. That sounds just like my father after he watched "Shoot 'Em Up" with me.
I actually thought the movie was surprisingly VERY entertaining.

I don't normally care for action movies. I think they often take themselves too seriously and the whole premise is pretty dumb (with an action hero taking out armies and such) and it's not like they ever tend to have some deeper meaning to their very shallow plots.

I don't begrudge anyone else for not sharing my opinions and I definitely have my own guilty pleasures... so I'm glad those movies exist for other people to enjoy. It's just that they don't tend to be for me.

Having said that... I LOVED "Shoot 'Em Up" and in part of why I found this movie so wildly entertaining is because they don't take themselves too seriously. They're not just over-the-top... they're wildly over-the-top. To me, that just feels like they're more self-aware.

I also loved Mad Max: Fury Road and Kill Bill. Those are two more movies my father thought were stupid, by the way.

And I would definitely not call a movie like "Shoot 'Em Up" or this one or Mad Max: Fury Road or Kill Bill stupid. As a viewer, my personal opinion is that I enjoy them a lot more than something like The Bourne movies because I feel they're self-aware and... well, less "stupid" in that way. I don't mean to criticize the Bourne movies either... they're just not my personal taste. For the record: I also hate The Fast and the Furious franchise because I think they take themselves too seriously. It's too bad too, because the idea of a bunch of people doing outlandish things in over-the-top action scenes that mostly involve cars actually sounds like a good idea for an action movie to me. And when watching them I even feel like I could possibly like those movies if they just didn't put so much emphasis on their dreadful stories. I LOVE me a movie with a good story and something that takes itself very seriously.

But my personal taste is that if you want to be The Godfather then you should be The Godfather. If you want to be a movie with insane action sequences... then you should recognize that your movie is going to be very far from realistic and maybe you shouldn't take the movie too seriously at that point.

So for me... I thought this movie worked surprisingly well BECAUSE the action scenes and even just some of the scenes in general seemed to realize that this movie wasn't a serious drama that should be seen as "realistic" or any such nonsense.

Also, the movie sets up the idea very early that the male protagonist was sorta like Neo from The Matrix. So, to me, your complaint sounds comparable to someone complaining that Neo from The Matrix seemed to have supernatural powers that didn't seem realistic and that's just dumb... which, sorry, that complaint just sounds kinda... well, dumb. Sorry. Again, personal tastes and all that jazz.

But sorry you didn't like the movie.


From the beginning to the end this film was terrible

Tim Roth was the only interesting character, and was killed by RZA, who as soon as I noticed, I realised this film just became MUCH worse. Trust RZA to make a film much worse than it already is.

Ended up nothing redeeming about this shi^^y film. Just all round bad. Regret watching.
