MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Is this movie a bomb or moderate succes...

Is this movie a bomb or moderate success?

According to box office mojo the movie made $209 million worldwide most of the money overseas $155 million. The movie cost $125 million to make but you got to take marketing costs into account. So what do people think is this a bomb or a moderate success?


It's a HUGE flop. This crap won't even gross 300M, which is also a bad result for a movie that "cost" (budget was much higher than that) $ 125M besides a bunch of millions with marketing. Another bomb for Failbender.


Usually if a movie achieves a worldwide run of about 2 or 2.5 times the production budget, it is said to be on track to break even or make a profit (often in the post-theatrical phase where marketing costs can still be offset).

Right now, the movie is at $210,100,620 and is close to finishing its run in the current markets where it has been released. However, it has not yet opened in China and Japan, so much will depend on those two countries. Between them, it should end up somewhere above $250 million.

For Ubisoft, the ability of the movie to promote its Assassin's Creed games and products is, to some degree, more important than the precise outcome of the movie itself. New Regency shouldn't end up with a deficit since Ubisoft has shouldered a lot of the costs.

If the movie can end up on course to break even, that is probably a net positive result for Ubisoft. They appeared to say as much before the movie came out.


^^ Couldn't have said it better myself.


It's a huge flop, it won't break even. Ubisoft lied about the budget and still, they and Fox spent at least 200M making and promoting it. It needs over 300M to break even. It will never reach that.


Of course Ubisoft lied just like the lie about Beyond Good and Evil 2 coming 7 years ago

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Ironically, the general lack of marketing for the film until just 3 weeks before its release may actually prove to be its saving grace, financially speaking. Fox spent about $17 million on TV spots throughout that entire 3 week period, plus roughly $5 million on billboards/posters. Overseas, Fox spent roughly $40 million on TV spots and trailers, and $10 million on billboards/posters. All the rest of the film's marketing was viral/social media- thus, this film had a significantly lower marketing cost than most blockbusters because it was actually marketed more like an indie film (in terms of the amount of advertising).

All told, this combines to a worldwide marketing cost of $73 million, which on top of its $125 million budget makes for a grand total of roughly $198 million spent on this movie. So it's definitely not a bomb thanks to overseas haul.

However, it is important to note that Ubisoft shouldered an overwhelming amount of the financial burden for the film, including funding most of the film itself (with a bit of financing from New Regency as well). Ubisoft has elected to give Regency and Fox most of the revenue from the film's box office, meaning that Ubisoft will take a loss on the film so that the film companies can profit, thus giving them no reason to complain. And since Ubisoft generates around $3-4 billion in revenue a year, they can take the loss on the movie with very little consequences.

So in short, not only is the movie not a flop, but Fox only spent about $73 million on this film and thus have pocketed much more than that, simply because Ubisoft did so much of the funding for the film themselves. Hopefully that makes sense! :)


Well, if there's an Assassin's Creed 2 then you might consider that the movie made a profit.


I liked it and am rooting for a sequel so I hope it was at least a moderate success. But the fact that it does seem so mixed and that it's not earning much domestically are both problems.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-
