MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > This movie will get better with time

This movie will get better with time

I went to see Assassin's Creed and definitely didn't find it to be a disaster as most critics are saying. I've played most of the AC games and this movie does some nice things to honor the feel of those games (the music, some of the overhead shots, a few of the action scenes, the whole mysterious feel). Of course, I admit it got saddled with a mediocre story and not much dialogue for the actors to work with (except maybe Marion Cotillard), but I do think many of its elements land in the right places.

I've noticed a trend in film audiences, and it's that, with time, people start to take movies less seriously and are more able to omit the flaws a movie has to concentrate on its strengths. I do think it'll happen to this movie in the form of a cult following of sorts.



No. Its just bad


A good movie if you only want action scenes and not a deeply message about life, friendship and love.

I played the games and I liked this movie.


deeply message about life, friendship and love

I doubt that one expects this from action films. Yet deep messages never hurt, Rogue One had them, even Warcraft managed to squeeze in some.

"It's only 56 months till I retire, then I get outta this shÑ–thole for good" - Steve Billings


But it has a deeply message about violence and control.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Loved it! The subtle homages to the games were appreciated by this fan. And i agree, once the whingers have had their say, this movie will move into a favourable - and lasting - light.


Bad editing will never get better with time. Cinematic illiteracy is plaguing the movie going audience.


There is no such thing. Only snobs and normal movie audiences. Art is subjective, if an artist can grab a toilet and call it art why do all movies need to be oscar worthy or whatever.


Art is subjective, but good craft isn't. Sorry, there is good film making craft and rubbish.

Sure, you can make a kitchen sink masterpiece, and shortcomings can be over come or even part of genre, but if you are just a bad filmmaker working in a low brow genre there is no subjectivity. There is strong craft, and adhesion to formula, and there is mess.


I love this comment. Might copy it because its so good


I agree. Hollywood likes to dump on non-Hollywood movies (which this is), but word of mouth will spread. I'm sure there will still be plenty of people who don't like it, but the number of people- gamers and non gamers alike- I've talked to who did like or love it suggest otherwise. Granted, my personal experience guaranties nothing, but people will realize it's nowhere near the dumpster fire the critics made it out to be.


Assassin's Creed is the epitome of a big-budget dumb Hollywood wanna-be Blockbuster. Stop pretending this is some Art House film. It's another Bad video game movie that's underperforming at the box office


No it isn't. It isn't even made by a Hollywood filmmaker. The actors are all European. And most producers are French. It's not a Hollywood movie, and it's not dumb. It's just people doesn't understand it.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I thought as a mindless action film it works very well and Fassbender and Cotillard pick up the pieces where the screenplay drops them. I was surprised the reviews were as bad as they were.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


Definetely. That happened with Transcendence, another sci-fi film people just didn't get the time it was released, but now, there are far more positive ratings and reviews coming for this film.

It's not a bad film at all. Some people just didn't understand it.

Nolan, I love you forever!


You're essentially saying that people's standards and expectations are going down so we'll all be happier with schlock as time goes by.

I find that terribly sad.

Fortunately, history teaches that during bad political climates, the quality of entertainment goes up. People may be getting generally stupider, but not all of us. I still have hope for the entertainment industry. This film won't get "better" (what a bizarre idea, anyway), it will merely be forgotten.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.
