Was it just me

Or does this film have one of the best chase scenes in a film ever? Seriously that chase in 16th century Spain was *beep* jaw dropping it was so well filmed and choreographed and it might have been the most exited I've been during a action scene in a film. I thought as a Assassin's Creed Fan for 7 years now they absolutely nailed it except for plot holes and lack of character delvepmontor backstory I found it visually stunning and the action jaw dropping and mostly really entertaining. I don't want a sequel though because I think it's good as a companion piece to the games even though it tried to set up it's own story and mythology but I would like to see the character of Callam Lynch apeer in the next game because I think he was awesome and I'd definitely like to know more about his backstory which a lack of in the film was one of my problems with it and while I definitely don't think this is a great film I do think it's good and along with Need For Speed the best video game film yet


If it was actually filmed without shaky cam and a 1800s filter over it, it would have been a great scene. But 10 cuts per scene doesnt allow the scene to breathe and you have no idea whats going on. Not to mention the sound there sucked as well. Blades were hitting things without SFX and the entire scene had sound issues.


Yes it did have sound design issues but it looked good and that's what matters and from the clips I saw online I thought the same as you about the action scenes but they were great when I saw it in the cinema and it was in 3D so that might have helped


It actually was filmed in long, continuous takes, according to many set visits while they were still filming. The thing is, they cut around 30 minutes of footage from the film. Justin Kurzel's original cut for the film was about 140 minutes long, but what we saw in theaters was about 110 minutes. So I suspect that has something to do with all the cuts- the fights actually played out a lot longer in real life, but someone advised them to make the film a lot shorter, presumably so that there could be more showtimes in theaters.

Apparently at least one version of the Bluray release will be rated R, so hopefully we will still be able to see the original Director's Cut. Shame they didn't just release that version in theaters though.


Lack of back story? As a child his Dad killed his him he killed someone he was likely in prison for years as it takes time to actually get the death penalty then he goes to the say of his death the end of his back story
