MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > What the heck did I just watch?!

What the heck did I just watch?!

I saw 62 movies in theatres during 2016. Some good, some bad. But this by far has to be the worst.

Absolutely awful.

The games are based in the past and occasioanlly jump forward to the present-day. This did it the other way around, 80% of the movie was in the present, with the movie only visiting the past to give us a few action scenes.

That was the biggest mistake they made. Boring us with his modern-day origin story and lengthy scenes showing him getting attached to the animus and all that stuff we don't need to see.

Some reviews are saying they tried too hard to cater to fans of the games. I disagree, I think they tried too hard to cater to those who know nothing about the franchise.

I rarely give movies below a 5, even the worst movies deserve some credit and have a few good elements. But the only thing this movie had going for it were some pretty well choreographed fights. Nothing else.

Why not give us a story set in the past?



Oh my god did you even play the games? Story is in the past? Well guess what. Main storyline is the present one! Thats why we have desmond (one present day protagonist) and many of his ancestors in the past. Its desmonds story and story about first civilization that matter not the past. If the past was main storyline we would just see altair in every next game. Please educate yourself before you write this please


The main story used to be the present (and actually not even then, because you spent at least 80% of the game in the animus anyway). I assume you haven't played any of the more recent games, because in Syndicate, for instance the present story is barely there and it's mostly like one or two cutscenes (and the game is better for it, I don't think many people care about the present story anyway).
